Nuki, le smart lock continuano a crescere (anche in Italia) thumbnail

Nuki smart locks are increasingly successful in Italy

A home becomes “intelligent” when technology simplifies activities that have remained virtually unchanged since time immemorial. The smart lock – locks that open and close via smartphone, code or fingerprint – are changing the way we protect our homes and Move is leading this revolution (also in Italy). In Berlin, the CEO Martin Pansy he told us about the company’s progress in terms of technology (in particular in relation to support for the Matter smart home standard). But also how Italy is increasingly becoming an interesting market for the Austrian company.

Nuki smart locks are increasingly successful in Italy

In the press event organized in Berlin, Nuki did not present any new products (although they should arrive shortly). But he said how smart locks are an increasingly interesting and successful area. “Over the last twelve months we have worked hard to introduce new products and new features. But above all, we aimed to raise awareness of our brand and smart lock technology, which is increasingly gaining ground” explains Pansy. In fact, “Nuki has already exceeded its 2022 turnover in 2023″, despite the fact that there are still several months to go until the end of the year.

Chatting after her speech with the Italian press, Pansy explained to us that the situation in our country is becoming more and more interesting. “Today Italy it is the most dynamic market for Nuki smart locks, with very significant growth. Especially after promotional periods (such as Amazon’s Prime Days, for example) Italy becomes our second market by volume after Germany. And after these promotions, sales do not return to previous levels, but remain higher even at full price”. A sign of growth that depends not only on the cost of the device, but also on word of mouth that makes the Nuki Smart Locks better known to consumers.

In fact, if in other countries many sales also derive from those who rent homes with short rentals (such as AirBnB, for example), the CEO explains that in Italy sales mainly come from people who want to make their home smarter. And that take advantage not only of the quality of Nuki’s technology, but also of the interesting design.

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Integration with Matter

But in addition to selling an increasing number of smart locks – in Italy and abroad – the CEO of Nuki explains that the company has also worked to improve the interoperability of the entire sector. Indeed, he collaborated to make sure that the Matter standard also supports European portswhich have more complex opening mechanisms than the American ones.

The Matter standard is an open-source connectivity protocol for IoT and smart home devices, which aims to improve the compatibility and security of devices. Matter was developed to streamline the buying process and enable communication between smart home devices, mobile apps and cloud services. So standard, many companies collaborate, including smart home giants (and not only) Amazon, Apple, Google, Samsung. But it is thanks to Nuki that European mechanisms will also be supported in the next release of the standard.

A new device is coming

Speaking of Matter, the CEO anticipated that by the end of the year Nuki intends to launch a new device on the market, compatible with the open-source standard. We haven’t had a chance to figure out what it could be, but it looks like we’ll have to wait a little while before we find out.

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We will definitely keep you updated. But what do you think: do you already have a smart lock or are you going to buy it? Or do you prefer to keep turning the keys in the locks? Let us know in the comments.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.