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OnlyFans says goodbye to sexually explicit content

OnlyFans change course. Starting from October lthe platform will prohibit the publication of sexually explicit content, thus making it difficult for sex workers. Let’s be clear, it is not a total ban: OnlyFans will still allow the publication of videos and nude photos, as long as they are in line with the new rules.
However, this is only part of the new policy of Fenix ​​International Limited, the company that founded and owns the website. Alongside the new guidelines, a new application appears: OFTV.

What is OnlyFans?

Onlyfans what it is and how it works

OnlyFans is a portal that offers a subscription-based entertainment service.
Let’s take a concrete example.
Imagine you are a trainer. OnlyFans allows you to upload videos of your training sessions, visible only to those who pay a monthly fee.

The platform was founded by Tim Stokely and his older brother Thomas in 2016. The initial intent was to allow artists to share photos and videos with their fans but things evolved quickly and, two years later, most of the content was in the NSFW category. , Not Safe For Work. In short, things you shouldn’t watch while at work.

But OnlyFans hit a real peak in popularity last year, when the pandemic forced sex workers, musicians and influencers to find new sources of income. The result? Today the platform counts on ben 130 million active users.

OnlyFans: goodbye to sexually explicit content

Given the incredible popularity of the site, undoubtedly also due to the content offered, why give up sexually explicit videos and photos? Simple: for investors.
Continued pressure from lenders of the project forced Tim Stokely to adopt a drastic solution: “To ensure the long-term sustainability of the platform, and to continue to host an inclusive community of creators and fans, we need to evolve our guidelines.”

In short, despite the initial freedom that led OnlyFans to earn 2 billion dollars in 2020 and double their revenues in 2021, dealing with sex professionals still makes investors uncomfortable. From October, therefore, we change music but it is not clear what will happen. In fact, the company has not released the new rules, which will probably be shared with the community later on.

OFTV: the free app of OnlyFans

It is also the daughter of this new policy OFTV, a’free application available on the App Store, Google Play Store, Amazon Fire and Roku.

The app, launched in January but advertised only now, allows access to a library of over 800 videos and no, explicit content is not included. In fact, you will find fitness and cooking classes, podcasters, musicians and much more.

OFTV also includes “Unlocked“, an original series that involves established creators such as Mia Khalifa, Bella Thorne and Holly Madison.

“OFTV provides fans with a super convenient way to watch content from their favorite creators,” Stokely explained. “There is no adult content on OFTV. Since it is not monetized and has no direct impact on creators’ earnings, we were able to publish the app on the app stores. ”

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.