La prossima fotocamera di Oppo sarà nascosta sotto il display thumbnail

Oppo’s next camera will be hidden under the display

The next smartphone from Oppo could have the camera under the display. The company has developed a new solution that combines hardware innovation with proprietary artificial intelligence algorithms that allow you to position the front camera under the screen to ensure an even more immersive experience.

Camera under the display: how does Oppo’s solution work?

The technical and production difficulties of a camera under the display are different but in reality all manufacturers are working to be able to offer a user experience that lives up to expectations. Among these we also find Oppo, which has worked to ensure an optimized display of the screen right where the camera is placed, an improvement in image quality and greater reliability and durability of the product.

Oppo camera under the prototype displayA prototype with camera under the display

The Chinese company has reduced the size of each pixel without decreasing the number to guarantee a high quality display at 400 PPI also in the camera area.
Oppo has also replaced the traditional screen wiring with an innovative transparent material. Combined with a high-precision manufacturing process that reduces wiring width by 50%, the display delivers a smoother, high-quality viewing experience.

Oppo camera under the displayA selfie taken with the camera under the display

Add to this better control of screen accuracy, color and brightness. In contrast to the current industry standard, which uses 1 circuit to drive 2 pixels into the screen area above the camera, the Asian company has introduced a “1-to-1” solution, so each circuit drives only 1 pixel. This solution, combined with algorithmic compensation, allows you to control the chromaticity and brightness of the entire screen with a deviation of about 2%. What changes in everyday life? Basically you will have better display of smaller characters and better retention and representation of details and colors.
Finally, let’s not forget the resistance, increased by 50% compared to the previous solutions.

All of this is accompanied by software solutions that go to reduce the more traditional consequences related to the positioning of the camera under the display, like blurry images and reflections. Oppo has also trained its AI diffraction reduction model, using tens of thousands of images to control problems caused by light and thus obtain clearer and more natural images.

Are you ready to switch to smartphones with the front camera below the display?

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.