Pink Motor Day, l'evento dedicato alle donne nell'automotive torna il 9 marzo thumbnail

Pink Motor Day, the event dedicated to women in the automotive industry returns on March 9th

Inclusion, mobility, Fleet&Travel integration, sustainability. These are the 4 themes proposed by the 2nd edition of Pink Motor Day in program Thursday 9 March at Le Village by CA in Milan.

Pink Motor Day: women in mobility

Four agoras which, starting at 16, will open up to the different facets that the presence and contribution of women in the new mobility system present, trying to understand how to make them the norm and no longer an extraordinary phenomenon.

The event, organized by Fleet Magazine in collaboration with the Top Thousand Observatory, aims to turn the lights on the stories and experiences of professionals who have created and maintained their career path within mobility. Stories and experiences that will be the starting point for attempting predictions on the near future of the automotive system, which cannot ignore the parallel and self-determined path of women within it.

Pink Motor Day will see the opening of works with Ariadne Cense, Councilor for Mobility of the Municipality of Milan, who will cover the themes of gender mobility and a common urban development and not only created from a male perspective. After her, the monologue of Gabriella Greyson, physicist and science popularizer with over 92K followers on Instagram, author of 10 books, 8 theatrical performances, podcasts and TV programs in which science becomes pop and provides a different point of view to understand the reality that surrounds us. To conclude Aurora Angelucciwho with his team management company Angeluss wants to bring as many women as possible into the purely male world of MotoGP, not only as riders but also as technical figures.

Pink Motor Day: PANEL 1 – Inclusion

The first of the 4 panels will focus attention on the inclusion and, above all, on the maintenance and career of women within companies. The following will speak on the topic: Francesca Palazzotti (Procurement Director ArvalItalia), Maurizio Capogrosso (HR Director Henry Schein Italy), Valentina Sangiorgi (Chief HR Officer Randstad Italia).

PANEL 2 – Mobility

How do women move? They walk more, use public transport more often and drive less. A 360° look at mobility, which can accommodate everyone’s needs and which becomes added value in issues that are crucial for the female population: sustainability, home-family management, travel, business travel.

pink moto day 2

PANEL 3 – Fleet&Travel Integration

The new professions, created and innovated by donne manager fleet e travel managertwo increasingly integrated figures and protagonists of a profound change also driven by technology.

PANEL 4 – Sustainability

There is only one good way to ecological transition? And what are the coefficients and criteria to take into consideration in this revolution of paradigms that is sweeping the world of mobility in general, and the four-wheeled one in particular? They will offer their point of view

In this edition, the spotlight will be turned on four projects carried out by women in companies who have particularly distinguished themselves in the main themes of the evening: inclusion, mobility, Fleet & Travel integration and sustainability.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.