PosAIdon è il primo tatuaggio realizzato con l’aiuto dell’intelligenza artificiale thumbnail

PosAIdon is the first tattoo made with the help of artificial intelligence

It is now clear: with artificial intelligence you can do everything, even a tattoo! In recent weeks we have told you about the possible applications of AI, from the most creative ones (there are those who have written songs) to the scam ones, not to mention those who have used it to pray with Padre Pio and talk about general relativity with Einstein . Today, however, we discover that AI is also capable of tattooing, indeed it would be more correct to say support a professional tattoo artist, as demonstrated PosAIdon.

PosAIdon is the name given to a tattoo depicting the god of the sea of ​​Greek mythology (and from here you understand the reason for this name). But this is no ordinary tattoo. It is the first tattoo born from the encounter between human creativity – that of Gabriel Pellerone30 years old, internationally renowned Italian tattoo artist – and artificial intelligence.

“Until yesterday, tattooed images arose from precise requests from customers, who chose from special catalogs of classic motifs, or wanted to copy figures already seen in books, on the web or other tattoos worn by celebrities”, explains Pellerone. “The use of Artificial Intelligence instead allows us to focus on a unique form of narration. The client can explain to the tattoo artist the themes, the memories, the events he would like to summarize in an image and the artist can entrust to the algorithms, through the use of keywords, this intimate storytelling to obtain an image that has never existed before, then using it as a basis for making further changes, guided by his own artistic sensibility and experience”.

Artificial intelligence at the service of tattooing, but how?

PosAIdon was born from a real three-way dialogue: on one side the tattoo artist, on the other the client and finally the AI. Pellerone explains that “a boy came to me asking me to represent the strength and power of Poseidon as he comes out of the water. He imagined him with long hair, a thick beard and physically imposing, holding a harpoon. To give shape to the image of him we have entrusted this description to the algorithms and obtained a series of images. It was through a process of refinement and selection of the result that we arrived at the choice of the starting one, which I subsequently reworked by adding details and further customization to arrive at the definitive design”.

Following the indications provided, the AI ​​developed various drafts, up to the definitive one which became the final tattoo: PosAIdon. The latter is only the first in a series of tattoos that Pellerone hopes to create by exploiting the potential of AI. The artist doesn’t say he is worried about technologywhich is causing a lot of discussion in creative circles due to the manipulation of copyrighted works (we talked about it in more detail here).


“I am convinced that artificial intelligence, in addition to enhancing creativity, can be transformed into a valid support, for me and my colleagues, in creating unique and personalized works, based on the individual preferences and needs of our customers. Of course, AI does not have a soul, and that is why the finishing touch always belongs to the artist”.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.