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Postal 4 No Regerts: release date announced

Postal 4: No Regerts finally seems to be ready for its official release set for April 20 on PC

Postcard 4: No Regerts is one of those titles that has been made to wait, and not a little, since the wait has lasted the beauty of 11 years. A period of time necessary for the fans and the developers themselves, or the Runnig With Scissors team, to recover from a third chapter definitely not up to the previous ones. But let’s go ahead with some order!

Postal 4 No Regerts: the return of the “postman”!

Postcard 4: No Regerts it is therefore the new chapter of the crazy saga, nonsense, violent, outrageous and politically incorrect that the gaming industry has ever put in the hands of gamers. After all, we have already talked about it here with the second chapter which, even today, represents a real gem.

The title had already been made available with early access starting fromOctober 2019, but a lot of content was still missing. Now these have been completed thanks to theupdate 1.0 which sees the return behind the microphone of the dubbers of the first three works, Rick Hunter e Corey Cruiseand therefore you can even select which voice you prefer.

In addition to the vocal sector it was added also a grappling hook, a greater amount of quests and secondary content, an improvement of the cutscenes, other main missions, new weapons, support for Steam Deck and much more. Running With Scissors then added that this sequel should represent the ultimate experience. The release for PC was therefore set at April 20although there are currently no news of further console ports, so very soon!

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Stefania Romagnoli is a dedicated writer who delves into the world of video game news. With a profound passion for gaming, Stefania keeps readers informed and up-to-date on the latest developments, announcements, and trends within the gaming industry.