Poste Italiane e PosteMobile sono in down: malfunzionamenti in tutta Italia thumbnail

Poste Italiane and PosteMobile are down: malfunctions throughout Italy

Poste Italiane and PosteMobile are down: malfunctions throughout Italy thumbnail

In the last few hours the reports of malfunctions are multiplying e down the network associated with the services of Poste Italiane and PosteMobile, which seem to affect the whole of Italy and concern various aspects of the services offered by these two realities. The cases are gradually increasing, and at the moment there are no official communications from the institution regarding this problem.

Poste Italiane down

The difficulties reported by users are related to access to the PosteMobile network, but it seems that many people are experiencing a wide range of malfunctions, from those who report the simple impossibility of surfing the internet up to those who are in total blackout and therefore not not even able to make and receive calls or send messages.

As often happens in these cases, the reports are concentrated mainly around the main cities, including Turin, Milan, Venice, Genoa, Florence, Perugia, Rome and Naples, or the centers with the highest population density of the peninsula.

At the same time, similar problems were also reported on the Poste Italiane page, where users complained of inefficiencies with the website, application and login. As can be clearly seen from the dedicated page of the Down Detector website, the reports peaked around 12:16 pm and are now decreasing.

It is not clear what is happening, as the institution has not yet published an official communication on this matter, but it is likely that it will arrive in the next few hours.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.