RED BULL BASEMENT 2021: svelati i vincitori dell'edizione italiana thumbnail

RED BULL BASEMENT 2021: the winners of the Italian edition unveiled

RED BULL BASEMENT 2021: the winners of the Italian edition unveiled thumbnail

L’Italian edition 2021 of Red Bull Basement, contest that allows university students to present and develop innovative ideas, ends with the victory of the E-TRASH and BROKERGREEN projects. For the two winners, the prize up for grabs is the pass for the world final of the contest scheduled in Istanbul (13-15 December). Note that BROKERGREEN won the Italian final. E-TRASH, on the other hand, managed to snatch the international Wildcard promoted by NTT Data, the global partner of Red Bull Basement.

RED BULL BASEMENT 2021: the comment of the creators of the E-TRASH project

E-TRASH it’s a student project Filippo Casellato, of Bassano del Grappa, and Umberto Bolzoni, originally from Mestre, who chose to join Red Bull Basement to develop their idea. It is a smart and self-sufficient cestito which makes separate collection a simpler and more automatic process thanks to the recognition of the material. Filippo and Umberto declare: “The idea was born when, looking at the bins in public places, we realized that too many people are still not paying attention or are not aware of how to properly dispose of waste”

The words of the creators of the BROKERGREEN project

Alessandro Rizzo e Vito Ragaglia they are students of Electronic Engineering in Catania and have given birth to BROKERGREEN. The project, born in a very short time, aims to conceive waste as an asset to be enhanced and reused as if it were a raw material. Alessandro and Vito underline: Agro-industrial waste must be reintroduced on the market, since an incorrect management of their disposal causes considerable damage to both the environment and the economy. This is why we have thought of an app that will allow companies to request or offer this waste, concluding the agreement with a click and in total safety.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.