Relationship Goal: a cosa serve la nuova funzione di Tinder thumbnail

Relationship Goal: What is Tinder’s new feature for?

tinder presents Relationship Goals, a new profile feature that allows members to let a potential Match know what they’re looking for. Whether it’s a friendship, romance or just a fling, members will be able to have more control over their in-app experience, choosing Matches based on their intentions and goals.

Relationship Goals: he numerates the Tinder

Young singles are changing the rules of dating. Indeed, Tinder’s Year in Swipe 2022 report showed that today singles are looking for loyalty, open-mindedness and respect.

Not only that, situationships are an increasingly widespread and recognized trend, which Gen Z embraces to experience relationships in a more serene and peaceful way. The first tests on the Relationship Goals function have shown that more than 50% of subscribers a Tinder added the new goals to their profiles.

Come funziona Relationship Goals


Members of the dating app can access their profile settings and choose the one that reflects them the most among six objectives: Serious relationship, Serious relationship, but let’s see; Nothing serious, but let’s see; Nothing serious; New friendships; or I still don’t know.

When using the app, members will be able to see profiles of potential Matches and make connections that are right for them. And, as individual situations could change quickly, members will receive a notification every week to verify that their Relationship Goals still apply.

Il Dating Sunday on Tinder

Every year the Dating Sunday marks the record on Tinder as “day with the most swipes ever”. According to data, in fact, on the first Sunday of the year there is an increase in singles active on the app (10%), in Swipe activity (35%) and appointments (30%) compared to a normal day(1 ).

Young singles, full of New Year’s resolutions, turn to Tinder in hopes of meeting their Match. Tinder has revealed that in the month of January, Sundays are the favorite days for members to adjust their profile. editing bios and adding new photos.

In 2022, for example, Dating Sunday recorded an average of 12 profiles changed every second worldwide; Members also added about 25 new photos in the same time frame.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.