Revolut festeggia 35 milioni di clienti e rivoluziona la propria app: arriva Revolut 10 thumbnail

Revolut celebrates 35 million customers and revolutionizes its app: Revolut 10 arrives

Revolut, the global financial super app that recently surpassed the milestone of 35 million customers worldwide, has launched a new version of its app. Indeed, it arrives Revolut 10with an innovative and intuitive design designed to make money management easier and faster.

“The new app represents our biggest step forward in helping our customers make Revolut their main account,” he said Ivan Chalov, Head of Retail di Revolut. “We created Revolut 10 to help customers have a clear view of all their accounts and money in one place. Designed for simplicity, we hope the updated, clearer design helps Revolut customers explore existing features and products that are right at their fingertips.”

What’s new in Revolut 10

The update offers a number of features and services to send, receive and manage your account. The app is now customizable to your preferences and needs, with custom themes, widgets and wallpapers. Additionally, navigation is simplified and clear, with all accounts and cards accessible from the home screen.

One of the new features of the app is the function Pockets. This, similar to Piggy Banks in previous versions, allows you to create secondary accounts in which to set aside money for different purposes. For example, you can create Pockets for bills, subscriptions, travel or gifts. Pockets help you organize your money better and plan your expenses effectively.

To update the app, simply search for it on your smartphone store and click on the button Update.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.