Roberto Baldoni si dimette dall'Agenzia di Cybersicurezza Nazionale thumbnail

Roberto Baldoni resigns from the National Cybersecurity Agency

Roberto Baldoni resigns from the National Cybersecurity Agency thumbnail

Il director of the National Cybersecurity Agency Roberto Baldoni has resigned in yesterday evening. He had been in charge of the organization since its establishment in August 2021. The decision comes after a new hacker attack on institutions, although the damage has been limited. It therefore seems that something has broken with the Meloni government.

National Cybersecurity Agency, Roberto Baldoni resigns

The body born a year and a half ago has the task of supporting national public and private subjects in the accident prevention and mitigationas well as in promoting the culture of cybersicurezza. His duties also include restoring systems.

Baldoni resigned in the heat of the campaign hacker attacks by the pro-Russian collective Noname057(16), which affected several ministries and institutions sites. However, the system appears to have held up and there have been no significant disruptions. It is not the first time that Noname has struck, as the cyber campaign of hackers targets all countries that support Ukraine.

Baldoni had been appointed deputy director of the Dis in January 2018, with the task of developing the national cybersecurity architecture and coordinate actions to mitigate cyber attacks with an impact on national security. His work in cyber security institutions has therefore continued for some time.

roberto baldoni resignation of national cybersecurity agency minFrom the agency website

Full professor of computer science at the La Sapienza University of Rome since 2022, he had founded the first research center in Italy on “Cyber ​​Intelligence and Information Security” in 2011, directed until 2017. He had also founded and directed the National Cybersecurity Laboratory of Italy dal 2014 al 2017.

The Government aims to replace the professor in a short time to give a new guide to the Agency. The Pnrr has allocated 623 million euros for the sector, while the implementation of the National Cybersecurity Strategy will receive a 1.2% share of gross national investment on an annual basis. It will be up to Baldoni’s successor to manage these resources in compliance with the Government’s indications.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.