Nasce Rushers: la piattaforma che mette in contatto aziende e clienti con i fattorini thumbnail

Rushers is born: the platform that connects companies and customers with delivery men

For years the question of the autonomy of couriers, supported as effective by the various delivery platforms operating on the market, has been at the center of a heated political and social debate. By now becoming a characterizing element for the entire sector. In a chaos of opinions, respectability and directives from the EU there are those who seem to have found a solution. It’s about Rushers, an innovative marketplace that wants to ‘overturn delivery’. By eliminating all constraints on the autonomy of the deliverer, the platform gives the real possibility of freely establishing prices, times and workplaces.

Rushers, the platform for last-mile deliveries

Rushers is one digital last-mile delivery platform (proximity of the last mile) which connects companies and their customers with a network of completely independent couriers. An environment free from any form of subordination, in which the courier (delivery boy) is totally autonomous, free to set his own price (when and where he wants).

A solution that starts from the idea that same-day deliveries can be an open market, an ‘open’ market in which transactions take place without restrictions of any kind, allowing free competition between the players who move within it. This concept is very similar to the one introduced by Airbnb, an online platform that, already 15 years ago, allowed people to rent private accommodation – apartments, houses, rooms, etc. – for short periods of time, offering a valid alternative to traditional forms of hospitality.


For the Rushers platform, couriers become an integral part of the ecosystem

Rushers therefore aims to offer a completely new approach to delivery, based on a auction  system (decentralized auction system), within which the bid price will be established independently by the person making the deliveries, i.e. the ‘Rusher’, according to demand. This means that the customer, the one who has to receive or send, will not choose the courier directly, but rather the lowest price available in the system.

With Rushers is the courier to establish the price of each individual deliveryhaving the ability to provide services of any kind – ‘from the fridge to pizza’ – and, consequently, for any type of business, be it a food delivery or logistics and transport company, receiving guaranteed same-day payments.

In short, a revolution that puts innovation and the will to find new solutions to the age-old and pressing issues that characterize the entire food industry at the center of its creed.Order & Delivery.

Michael Rush, the digital champion of couriers

The communication methods of the platform are still shrouded in an aura of mystery, currently entrusted to a faceless voice calling itself Michael Rush, very active in recent weeks on LinkedIn with biting jokes and an extremely frank approach towards the sector, a sort of digital champion of couriers (delivery boys) from all over the world.

A singular and courageous choice at the same time, perfectly in line with a project that aims to shake up the very scaffolding of the gig economy, offering it a solid and challenging counter-narrative.

The platform is currently still under development and is preparing for the road test launch, scheduled for early August. In any case, the vision of the is already available page “coming soon” of the marketplace, on the website, through which it is also possible to be updated in preview on the launch of the app dedicated to couriers (delivery men).

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.