Samsung sceglie BricksLab per il progetto di educazione alla cittadinanza digitale thumbnail

Samsung chooses BricksLab for the digital citizenship education project

Samsung chooses BricksLab for digital citizenship education thumbnail

Samsung Electronics Italia chose the platform BricksLab to convey the project of introduction to digital citizenship called “Solve For Tomorrow – Solutions for a better tomorrow “. This project was conceived by Samsung Electronics Italia in collaboration with the Ministry of Education with the aim of promoting digital citizenship education in schools.

Samsung Electronics Italia chooses BricksLab for the new digital citizenship education project

The project aims to offer the skills and knowledge essential for the analysis and evaluation of digital content. The project also includes a look at the theme of fake news. The initiative aims to promote knowledge of behavioral rules in digital environments and the definition and administration of digital identity. All the contents of the Samsung Electronics Italia project I’m available for free on BricksLab. the project is divided into three different proposals: Sowing, for primary school, Growing, for lower secondary school and Planning, for upper secondary school.

The comment of the protagonists

Anastasia Buda, Corporate Citizenship Manager, Samsung Electronics Italia, declares: “With Solve for Tomorrow we want to make our contribution to promote a digital culture in schools, teaching children how to use the new tools with awareness. In fact, digital technology must not be a source of danger, but must be a tool on which our children can leverage to seize new opportunities and be promoters of positive change in the world. “

Andrea Russo, CEO of MR Digital, the company that created the BricksLab platform, adds: “We are happy that Samsung Electronics Italia not only shares this goal with us, but has also recognized in the platform a new way of teaching, which does not want to replace to traditional teaching, but enrich it, proposing teachings that go beyond the passing of notions, to involve children through direct and practical experiences and make them an active part in the dissemination of such knowledge “.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.