Samsung annuncia il nuovo Galaxy Unpacked: tutto pronto per il Galaxy S24 con l'AI thumbnail

Samsung Galaxy S24: price for Italy leaked

Samsung Galaxy S24 price leaked for Italy thumbnail

Thanks to recent information leaked online, we can take a look at what the prezzo in Italy of the new Samsung Galaxy S24and the Plus and Ultra variants.

Samsung Galaxy S24: the price for Italy

The information, disclosed by Roland Quandt, indicates that the new devices will cost money slightly lower compared to their predecessors. In particular, the price list should be composed as follows:

  • Galaxy S24basic model from 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage space, it will cost 899€.
    The version from 8/256GB it will cost instead 959€.
  • Galaxy S24+con 12GB di RAM e 256GB of internal memory, it will cost 1.149€.
    The variant from 12/512GB it will instead have a price of 1.569€
  • Galaxy S24 Ultra instead it will have three different possible configurations.
    Let’s start with the version 12/256GBat the price of 1.449€.
    Model 12/512GB it will cost instead 1.569€.
    Finally the version from 12GB of RAM and 1TB of storage space goes up to 1.809€.

We would like to underline that, although the sources are reliable, these prices are still part of rumors and leaks. The official price list will be revealed by Samsung during the event Galaxy Unpackedwhich you can follow live on January 17th.

A first look at the new Galaxy S24

The next Galaxy S24 line from Samsung promises to be a significant change compared to previous models: not so much for the design or hardware, but for new features on the way. Although they will return high-resolution cameras, bright screens and snappy performancethis time it seems that the biggest news will concern artificial intelligence.

To find out everything we know about the new Samsung smartphones, we refer you to our dedicated article.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.