Lo studio di Samsung dice se la qualità del tuo sonno è buona thumbnail

Samsung study tells if the quality of your sleep is good

Today more and more people are giving priority to sleep as a fundamental aspect for health. The growing interest in sleep is evident from recent trends observed with the app Samsung Health. Over the past two years, there has been a 182% increase in the number of users actively tracking their sleep at least once a week for a year. Yet, despite this, the question remains: is our night’s rest of quality?

Samsung studied the sleep quality of Samsung Health users

Samsung sought to answer this question by conducting one of the largest sleep quality studies ever undertaken, analyzing 716 million nights of sleep from Samsung users. Samsung Health all over the world. While interest in sleep health has increased exponentially, the reality is that the quality of sleep is declining. The world is facing a real sleep problem.

The world is sleeping less and less efficiently, according to Samsung’s sleep study

Globally, the average sleep duration decreased from 7 hours and 3 minutes to 6 hours and 59 minutes – falling below the minimum threshold of 7 hours recommended by the National Sleep Foundation. Another worrying aspect is the increase in time awake during sleep, leading to a decline in its quality – a key factor that is monitored by calculating the ratio between the actual time falling asleep and the total time spent in bed each night.

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For Samsung, sleep deficit has a strong impact on young people

The lack of sleep regularity it also affects its quality. Sleep deficit – a measure of sleep discontinuity that indicates the gap between the amount of hours slept on weekdays versus weekends – also negatively contributes to the overall problem.

The deficit is highest among young – twenty-year-olds have an almost double sleep deficit compared to seventy-year-olds: 49 minutes versus 29 minutes, respectively. Asia has the smallest sleep deficit at 41 minutes, while Latin America has the longest sleep deficit at 47 minutes. Globally, people sleep an average of 44 minutes more on weekends.

How small habits can guarantee quality sleep

There are a number of sleep coaching programs that aim to improve the quality of sleep. These programs are guided by the strong belief that modifying some simple daily habits can improve the quality of your rest. Provides one month of motivational sleep coaching, customized to the user’s pet type, right from their wrist, which includes, among other things, the need to get out of bed quickly in the morning, to have a regular wake-up time, to be active during the day and others good habits.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.