Samsung lancia le nuove microSD Pro Endurance che durano per 16 anni thumbnail

Samsung unveils the microSD Pro Endurance that last for 16 years

Samsung launches new microSD Pro Endurance that last for 16 years thumbnail

Samsung has officially unveiled the new Pro Endurance microSD range. This is a new family of “rugged” microSD cards designed to guarantee excellent performance as well as durability definitely above average. The new range of microSD from Samsung, in fact, is capable of guarantee up to 16 years of continuous use.

Samsung unveils new range of microSDs that last for 16 years

The Samsung Pro Endurance are microSD designed to withstand extreme weather conditions and to ensure continued use. The company has confirmed that the new microSD can guarantee 16 years of continuous recording (for the 256 GB version), without any technical problems. Performance is also great. The new Pro Endurance comes in 100 MB / s read and 30 MB / s write. Recording videos in 1080p or in 4K will not be a problem. The cards are resistant to water, drops, extreme temperatures, X-rays and magnets.

Pro Endurance samsung 1

Four variants

Samsung’s rugged microSD range is available in four versions. There is the basic model from 32 GB and the top version from 256 GB. There are also two intermediate variants, one from 64 GB and one from 128 GB. Prices range from $ 11 to $ 55. For the moment, there is no information regarding a probable sale in Italy.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.