Schwarzenegger come Zeus? Era davvero per il Super Bowl thumbnail

Schwarzenegger as Zeus? It was really for the Super Bowl

In the end it was really as we thought. The poster he saw Arnold Schwarzenegger in the role of Zeus it wasn’t an ad for a new movie (not even a God of War one) but an advertisement for the Super Bowl. As per tradition, this year too the sporting event will be surrounded by very special spots and this has already managed to make its way through the competition. To formalize the thing, a teaser movie that also reveals who the advertising will be dedicated to.

Super Bowl: Arnold Schwarzenegger becomes Zeus for BMW

You can see the new short spot below. In the scene we find ourselves in a classic American bar, with the salesman (played by Matty Cardarople that someone will remember from his appearance in Stranger Things) calling a customer to the counter for his order. As often happens, he finds it difficult to pronounce the name, which is very original: “Zeius? Zois? “.

It is at this point that he just steps forward Arnold Schwarzenegger in the role of Zeus in fact, complete with lightning bolts vibrating around the armor to confirm how his name can be read. “Wow, like the Greek god of lightning?” answers the bartender. With the safety which has always accompanied his interpretations, Arnie replies: “Exactly like that”.

At this point the commercial ends with the appearance of the logo of BMW and a date: February 13, 2022, precisely when in the United States it will be time for the Super Bowl. But exactly what is the connection between a car manufacturer and the Greek god Zeus? Well, the answer to this question comes from the title used for the video on YouTube: “Something electric is boiling in the pot” (in the original “brewing” which is also linked to the coffee protagonist of this teaser).

It is very likely then that the commercial with Schwarzenegger as Zeus for the Super Bowl will center on some kind of electric vehicle launched by BMW. It remains to be seen how it will connect with the already announced presence of Poseidon interpreted by Ralf Moeller. And then do we really want to believe that only the two of them will be the guest stars? Will there really be no other Olympian gods to say hello? All that remains is to wait for the February 13 to discover all the developments …

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.