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Science of Nutrition: hydration in sport

Today we offer you a reflection on the science of nutrition and its fundamental role in the life of sportsmen, agonists and non-competitors

To practise the sport is recommended by everyone. Everyone can exercise according to their own possibilities and times: walk, run, swim, play a sport in particular to feel good physically but also mentally. Scenes at any time of the day, even during work lunch breaks, in which young and old are seen practicing sports are not unusual. However, it will have to feed the body with the right dose of liquids to avoid dehydration.

Science of Nutrition: hydration in sport

The figure of the nutritionist is fundamental

In all of this, in recent years it has also made its way into sport the figure of the nutritionist. Knowledge, study and a lot of experience to allow the person to lose weight, feel good and live a peaceful life. The work of the nutritionist makes its way into sports where nutrition certainly plays an important role. It will be very important too hydration: we know that water is essential for our body. Without it we cannot live. When moving, running, playing, swimming, it will also be necessary to add the tasty dose of liquids, perhaps water of the highest purity, to rebalance all those we are losing in that particular moment.

Water to be taken according to the science of nutrition

So then the science of nutrition appears to be indispensable for our activities. You won’t have to run the risk of being dehydrated, that is, having a lack of fluids in our body. Each person will have to know the right amount of water to drink every day, for the sportsman it will be necessary to pay even more attention: as mentioned in the activities, he will lose a lot of liquids.

Which foods are rich in water?

The nutritionist will help you calibrate a power supply right for your sporting activities. Obviously there will be the presence of foods rich in water in order to keep the body always hydrated. But which ones in particular? The list can only include fruit, vegetables and greens, made up of 80% water. Specifically, the following can be listed:

  • Il cucumberthe vegetable with the highest water content equal to 96.5%, excellent with cold cuts and salads but also with low-fat yogurt, mint and ice cubes to make soup.
  • I radishes which can enrich salads and are characterized by antioxidants with the presence of catechins.
  • Can’t miss the tomatoes, hydrate with their 94.7% water, also famous for their diuretic function together with potassium. They are useful against the formation of cellulite.
  • If you think about the lettuce one thinks of its refreshing, hydrating power. Good and healthy, it contains 95.6% water and is excellent in all seasons.
  • Finally, the watermelon, perhaps the most classic of thirst quenchers. It is rich in lycopene, the antioxidant that protects the skin from the sun’s rays and also from aging.

Science of Nutrition: hydration in sport

Playing sports in the best way according to the science of nutrition

Playing sports is beautiful, relaxing, however we will need to prepare our body with the right hydration according to our potential, also to prevent injuries. Are you sporty? Do you love doing activities? Contact a trusted nutritionist. Both body and mind will benefit. That’s all from the science section, keep following us!