Sky aderisce al programma ministeriale "Lavoro Carcerario" thumbnail

Sky adheres to the ministerial “Prison Labor” program

Sky adheres to the ministerial program "Prison Labor" thumbnail

Sky announces its adhesion to the program “Prison Work”. The program promoted by Ministry of Justicewith the Minister for Technological Innovation and the digital transition, which aims to improve the living conditions of prisoners. In particular, increasing their future professional opportunities in the TLC and ICT sectors. In this way, the chances of social reintegration increase.

Sky joins the “Prison Work” program

To help inmates build a future, Sky has started a reconditioning and re-packaging of network terminals. So products like modem and router returned by Sky Wifi customers.

The inter-ministerial program also includes a training period, so that inmates can learn new ones job skills for their future out of jail. Where they will have a better chance of finding a job with the skills they have acquired.

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Andrea Duilio, CEO of Sky Italia, explains that the company has gladly accepted this opportunity. Because it fits in with the values ​​of Sky. “We have joined with great enthusiasm this important inter-ministerial project that we feel particularly close to our corporate values. This initiative allows us to develop our social commitment in a new area and to concretely contribute to making our communities more inclusive. By providing inmates with training that can contribute to their reintegration into society.”

Sky’s activity within the “Prison Work” program starts from Milan. But if the program works well, it will expand. Not just by involving others prison facilities in the country. But also thinking about involving prisoners in carrying out other activities.

The hope is that this program will truly build a future for prisoners. You can find more information on Sky Wifi to this address.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.