Stop alle vendite di iPhone senza caricabatterie in Brasile thumbnail

Stop the sales of iPhones without chargers in Brazil

Stop the sales of iPhones without chargers in Brazil thumbnail

In Brazil the Minister of Justice ordered Apple to stop selling on iPhone without battery charger in the package. According to some officials, the Cupertino company is offering customers an incomplete product not including the power supply. A move the government claims is a “deliberate discriminatory practice against consumers”.

Brazil: iPhones without chargers suspended from sale

Lately Apple was fined of 12275 million reais for the sale of iPhones without a charger. According to the consumer protection agency of Sao Paulo, in fact, this would be one violation of the Consumer Code. And now Brazilian officials are forcing the company to suspend the sale of powerless smartphones, including iPhone 12 and later models. Strange as it may seem, the issue is rather sensitive in Brazil. Apple also lost a lawsuit in the country after a customer who didn’t receive a charger sued it.

For its part, the Cupertino company has repeatedly stated that the choice to sell iPhones without a charger is mostly linked to environmental issues. On the other hand, as reported by Apple, most customers already have power supplies at hand with which to recharge their smartphone. Therefore, the removal of these accessories is to be understood as part of your effort to “achieve the [suoi] environmental objectives “. Right now, then, came the response from Apple: “We consider our impact on people and the planet in everything we do. Power adapters represented our largest use of zinc and plastic and taking them out of the box helped reduce over 2 million tons of carbon emissions, equivalent to removing 500,000 cars from the road annually. ”

“We have already won a number of court decisions in Brazil on this matter and we are confident that our customers are aware of the various options for charging and connecting their devices.”

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.