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Super Mario Bros Wonder: medals and medallions, how to complete the game 100%

Getting to 100% of Super Mario Bros Wonder is really challenging: here’s how to complete the game, including the appropriate medals and medallions

Just call them medalsor if you prefer medallionsbut these collectibles in Super Mario Bros Wonder they are essential to understand how to complete 100% the new adventure of the mustache. Previously, in games like 3D World or New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, it was possible to find some Job next to our save file. Now, however, we have a different medal for each completion parameter. Not only that, these beauties also adorn our username when it appears online, so they also count as “flex” if that excites you. Do we have your attention? Great, let’s get started then: here… we… go!

General overview | How to complete Super Mario Bros Wonder 100% with medals and medallions

If the analogy with the stars on the save files we were talking about before turned on a light bulb for you, you will already know that the collection of medals and medallions begins with the first step to complete Super Mario Bros Wonder 100%: specifically, get to the end credits. It goes without saying, therefore, that for every other parameter it is necessary instead get all collectibles. In other words, we’re talking about purple 10 coins, Wonder Seeds, templates for online multiplayer, and above all, the top of each flag. Between us, why else would we be taking so long to publish our review, if not out of obsessive perfectionism? Spoilers: the game is a masterpiecebut we’ll talk more about that in due course.

Super Mario Bros Wonder: medals and medallions, how to complete the game 100%

10 purple coins | How to complete Super Mario Bros Wonder 100% with medals and medallions

Let’s go in order. The first object to clean up are Purple Coins of 10 units. There’s no need to beat around the bush: while you can spend them at Poplin’s Emporium, they actually work in a similar way to Star Coins of the New series, as well as the Green stars of 3D World. And they are the ones who force the player to sharpen his eyes the most. In this sense, given that the game is full of secrets, our dispassionate advice is to always play with online multiplayer activewhenever possible. Pious souls who play online sometimes have the good heart to place their silhouettes near invisible blocks or in places where it would otherwise seem madness to place them (see the screenshot in the Silhouettes section). Wonder isn’t Mario’s Dark Souls, but the silhouettes are definitely the “treasure forward” of the series, if you get the analogy.

Super Mario Bros Wonder: medals and medallions, how to complete the game 100%

Wonder Seeds | How to complete Super Mario Bros Wonder 100% with medals and medallions

Each level features one, two or three Wonder Seeds to collect. These act similarly to the Stars of 64 and Galaxy, the Guardian Suns of Sunshine, the Suns of Bowser’s Fury, or the moons of Odyssey. In other words, are they to Crystals in Crash Bandicoot as Coins are to Gems, so to speak…? In short: it’s the collectibles “that count”. One Seed per level it means a point in the game where we are gifted by an NPC, an Interlude, a Pin Challenge or (much more unlikely) a stage without Wonder Flowers. Due indicate normal levels, with one Suit at the end of the Flower phase and one at the flag. Three Seeds? Nine times out of ten, there’s asecret exit to ferret out!

Super Mario Bros Wonder: medals and medallions, how to complete the game 100%

Silhouettes | How to complete Super Mario Bros Wonder 100% with medals and medallions

“Ah ah, you really are a silhouette!” And of silhouettes there are lots of them, but this time collecting them all is less problematic… for the more patient players, of course. They are obtained randomly spending 10 purple coins at Poplin’s General Store. Don’t worry: each level features “classic” coins (100 for an extra life) and purple coins in almost equal quantities, so there’s no risk of “wasting” that 10 coin you sweated to complete (not to count the purple coin “slices” that often appear with active Wonder Flowers). There are some for every character, portraying him in various poses (and, if used, also with various active power-ups). They are obtained randomly with each purchase (or, by spending 30 coins at the Special World Emporium, randomly for a specific character), but they are mainly used to be placed (equally randomly) in online multiplayer levels with ↓+X. Bear that in mind you can be reborn with other people’s, not with your own!

Super Mario Bros Wonder: medals and medallions, how to complete the game 100%

Brooches | How to complete Super Mario Bros Wonder 100% with medals and medallions

The most blessed Play they will be your lifesaver in the game more times than you can count. Seriously, more than half of the refresh that this title gives to the gameplay of the series depends on the customization of the abilities that you manage between one Pin and another. You can buy them at Poplin’s shop (and, if you find one that you don’t have yet, spend those 100 or so purple coins without making a fuss!), obtain them through a Pin Challenge or sometimes receive them from an NPC. They are divided into three types. The Action Pins, as the name suggests, influence your movement skills and will prove to be very important from the first hour of play. Then the Boost Pins they change the level, the rewards obtained from enemies, your status at the started level or even save you from certain death in the chasms. The Professional Pins they reward the players who are best at using them… and there’s a secret one for those who can brush through the entire game!

Super Mario Bros Wonder: medals and medallions, how to complete the game 100%

Top of the flag | How to complete Super Mario Bros Wonder 100% with medals and medallions

Introduced in Super Mario 3D Land, that of top of the flag it is perhaps the most frustrating parameter to meet. Of course, the risk of having to replay a level all over again is also present with the Wonder Seeds, but this is about the achievement itself. There’s a reason we talked about them before Play: There are multiple ways to gain height when you jump or, in the case of the Parachute obtained at the beginning of the game, to maintain it. You don’t necessarily have to do this with both exits of the level; one peak is “enough” and progress is made (and thank goodness). Local multiplayer, and in this case we think of adding “unfortunately”, no longer provides for the possibility of jumping into each other’s heads, but already by joining the Bubble flower everyone play Extended jump e Ascending pirouette you can reach delirious heights.

Super Mario Bros Wonder: medals and medallions, how to complete the game 100%

Check out a tip!

Even if you know what to do, you’d think you’d have trouble keeping track of everything. In reality, we can still teach you a trick. You see, by pressing L or choosing the appropriate option from the map pause menu you can open the level selection screen, which is a fast travel method available right from the start of the game. You will notice from the screen at the top, “Overview” section, that there is a check for each level you have properly cleaned. You can see it on the left, hidden between the golden flag (top of the flag), Wonder Seeds and purple 10 coins. We chose The Piranha Plants Musical as an example because it’s only the second level… and it has a secret exit that’s very difficult to notice!

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