Swappie: 8 italiani su 10 credono nel ricondizionato e nell'economia circolare thumbnail

Swappie: 8 out of 10 Italians believe in reconditioned and in the circular economy

Swappie is the leading company in Europe for the purchase and sale of refurbished iPhones. He wanted to investigate the perceptions and habits of consumers on the theme of the circular economy in Italy. Not only that, but also how this can be done within the technology sector as well.

Swappie and the circular economy survey

The research conducted by SWG and commissioned by Swappie reveals that although only 1 out of 2 Italians are familiar with the concept of circular economy, faced with the definition of its guiding principles 82% of citizens recognize its potentially decisive role in environmental protection.

Compared to its actual ability to spread, however, there are more skeptics than optimists. The 23% are convinced that the circular economy model will have considerable diffusion. Instead, 3 out of 5 Italians (59%) argue that the circular economy will not be able to spread enough to be effective.

It is evident how the Italian population recognizes the importance of the circular economy for the development of the country and for a path towards a more sustainable world. But looking at the concrete possibility that this model will be able to take hold, a sense of uncertainty still prevails among Italians.

Skepticism towards the future risks becoming a regret if the opportunities of the present are not seized. Beyond half of the interviewees (57%) believe that a new, more sustainable development model based on the circular economy is already feasible. It is above all women and residents of the north who support this statement.

Swappie, the Report on the Circular Economy in Italy (2022)

This positive vision reflects the current situation. According to what emerged from the Report on the Circular Economy in Italy (2022 Edition) of the Circular Economy Network, Italy, together with France, is the country that recorded the best circularity performances last year. In Italy, the recycling rate of all waste reached 68% (vs. the European average of 35%) and the rate of circular use of materials reached 21.6% (vs. the European average of 12.8% ).

If the circular economy is a viable model for the protection of the environment and nature, what are the most relevant practices for Italians to implement? Not surprisingly, optimization of waste management and the use of renewable sources are in first place. Considering the current increases in waste production per capita and energy price increases. The other two crucial practices for a more sustainable world, especially for Millennials, are the reuse of materials and the reuse of existing products with an improvement of the original characteristics. They are two key points for Swappie. It has always promoted the world of refurbished by giving a second life to technological devices and recycling iPhone components that cannot be regenerated.

Swappie 1 Italian smartphone min

The circular economy in technology

The circular economy refers to an economic system designed to be able to regenerate itself. Through actions such as reconditioning, reuse and recycling, it aims to extend the life cycle of materials and products as long as possible, reducing waste and waste to a minimum.

For Italians this model is also applicable in the technology sector. For 3 out of 4 respondents e-waste can be transformed into resourceshave a new life and then be re-entered into the market.

E-waste management

This optimistic vision is also fueled by the concern for the management of e-waste, widespread above all among the over 40s. For half of them, this problem is in fact still underestimated. Swappie is well aware of the difficulties associated with e-waste. He has always considered them as a resource, putting smartphones back into circulation that otherwise would have ended their life cycle too soon.

One way to lengthen the life cycle of smartphones by avoiding the production of electronic waste is in fact reconditioning, Swappie’s main activity. For over half of Italians, reconditioned is similar to new from the point of view of operation (58%) and among young people this percentage rises to over two thirds.

Respondents also acknowledge that the development of the refurbished sector could have a positive impact in limiting e-waste (87%). But also in educating people about a circular economy model (86%). It is positively surprising how this appreciation does not come only from the new generations, digital natives and particularly sensitive to environmental issues. The relationship between technology and the circular economy present in the reconditioned sector is popular with young people and adults.

The word to Elena Garbujo, Country Manager Italy of Swappie.

“The research conducted by SWG tells us that our awareness-raising process must continue, but it was a source of pride to discover that Italians are aware that a circular economy model, even in the technological sector, can benefit the long-term protection of the environment, so much so that, among those who would consider buying a refurbished smartphone, 2 out of 3 Italians identify environmental sustainability as the main advantage of this choice” comments Elena Garbujo, Country Manager Italy of Swappie.

And he concludes: “The circular economy and long-term sustainability have always been part of Swappie’s mission, which promotes the enhancement of technology and its recirculation. We are continuing to work to raise people’s awareness of the refurbished world, emphasizing the importance of giving smartphones a second life, both by selling unused ones and by buying refurbished phones.”

Refurbished is a choice that has a positive impact not only on the environment: almost half of Italians claim that the main advantages of a regenerated smartphone are equally the sustainability and convenience that this choice brings. Buying a refurbished phone is therefore a win-win choice, which is good for both the environment and consumers’ pockets.

This is a bet that Swappie has embraced since its inception, emphasizing that technology has no expiration date. This creed has always been reflected in the company’s positioning and brand identity which, starting today, makes the link with the circular economy even more evident thanks to a visual rebranding strongly marked by sustainability.

Indeed, with the launch of the brand refresh, Swappie further confirms its mission: the new slogan “Around for good” represents a hymn to circularity that further underlines how technology has no expiration date, but can instead have a second life.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.