Talent Garden, il più importante operatore europeo nella Digital Education thumbnail

Talent Garden, the most important European operator in Digital Education

Talent Garden is the most important European operator in Digital Education according to which the closing the gender gap in the technological and scientific sector it is ever closer and is driven by training. The data speak clearly; already in the first two months of 2022 its classes are tinged with pinkwith a quota of enrollments of women (60%) which surpasses that of men.

Talent Garden, the European operator of Digital Education

Giulia Friend of Meane Global Director Talent Garden Giulia Friend of Meane Global Director Talent Garden

When it comes to digital professions we refer to the works born with the Digital Transformation. This meaning includes numerous figures with a common denominator:

  • I work on the web and on software;
  • Artificial intelligence;
  • Digital and analytic data;
  • Communication and management in the digitized economy.

In a context in which the rate of female presence in the scientific and technological areas has risen to 44% in Italy (report Gender in research by Elsevier), closing the gender gap in the sector is getting closer and is driven by training.

This is what the data recorded by Talent Garden. Already in the first two months of 2022, the classes of the international school for professional growth of Talent Garden, the largest player in Europe in digital education by size and geographical footprint, are tinged with pink.

The membership fee of women beats in fact that of men. In particular, the most chosen training courses are those related to: Digital Marketing, Design (UX and UI) and Digital Human Resource. Giulia Friend of MeaneGlobal Director Talent Garden Innovation School, said:

Today more than ever the common goal of companies must be gender equality and a lot of STEM training is needed to overcome this obstacle. We are very happy to see a growing female presence within our classrooms, particularly at a time when, if the major investment from the NRP to finance innovation will generate over 1.2 million jobs by 2050, the employment future of women is also closely linked to their access to STEM areas and the need to fill the skill mismatch relating to the subjects in question. We are pursuing an inclusive model that aims to help reduce gender inequality and we hope to train more and more young women, for a future in which it will no longer be necessary to talk about gender equality.

The most popular sectors

It is a woman 65% of participants in Talent Garden’s Digital Marketing programs. A set of full time and part time courses that they aim to offer elements of literacy e insights dedicated to those who already work or want to pursue a career in this sector.

Another high-processing sector is that of designwe are talking in particular of user experience and user interface, in which the methodologies of design thinking and human centric design become the heart of the new way of working for companies.

It is beyond the 70%, the percentage of women enrolled in the master full time e part time in the field of design. These paths allow you to become digital experts specialized in the area of ​​web development which aim to improve the overall user experience on a site or application.

Finally, the training course that sees almost all of the female presence (91%) is in Digital HR. It is a master that tackles the evolution of the traditional human resources sector to train a professional able to use HR Analytics and UX Design tools to improve the candidate experience and attract talent to the company. For more information you can consult the official website.

Tales of women and talent – Sandra: mum and successful worker

Sandra was a graphic designer freelance. After graduation, the pandemic hit the job market and she decided to work as a freelancer in search of new opportunities. She then attended Talent Garden’s master in UX Design from March to June 2021. Shortly before Talent Day she announced that she was expecting a baby.

At the end of the course, Talent Garden searched interested companies to hire people in Brescia or full remote and so Sandra had the opportunity to start an internship at Wenda. It’s about a tagger calabrese of the Talent Garden network that offered her a remote contract. In the fall, she shared the news with them: there was no way to further hide the baby’s arrival. In January 2022 Wenda converted the internship and now he has a contract a full time. A few days ago Marco was born who has a talented one UX designer as a mother.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.