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Tesla: the steering wheel yoke criticized by many but loved by others

Users who purchased the Model S and Model

A few days ago the entrepreneur and co-founder of Tesla, Elon Musk, admitted that Chinese cars are the best, thus admitting that the cars produced by his company are inferior. A clear proof is the case of yoke steering wheel of the Tesla Model S and Model, which has been harshly criticized by many customers. For this reason, after receiving all these complaints, Tesla has decided to offer not only new customers a normal steering wheel as standardbut also a retrofit who had purchased a Tesla Model S or Model

Tesla: the steering wheel yoke criticized by many but loved by others

The fans of Tesla’s yoke steering wheel

When Tesla released the retrofit versions, the stocks with the traditional steering wheel were sold out in just a few hours. This taught a very important lesson to Tesla, which learned from its mistakes and made the traditional steering wheel the standard one found on all Tesla models. But there are still customers who love this steering wheel, only now they will have to pay for it separately as an optional extra, spending a lot of money $1,000. Some customers who bought the Model S or Model X have no intention of letting go of the steering wheel yoke.

One case is that of a user on the forum Tesla Motor Clubs, who recounted his experience with the rented Tesla with traditional steering wheel after trying the yoke steering wheel. In his opinion, it is more maneuverable than the traditional one, also complaining about the poor visibility caused by the instrument panel compared to the cockpit with the yoke steering wheel. He further added that depriving the Tesla Model S of the yoke steering wheel is like depriving a person of their soul.

What do you think about it? Tell us yours in the comments. Continue to follow us on for other news from the world of motors and so on.