L'Apple Watch abbandonerà la corona digitale thumbnail

The Apple Watch will abandon the digital crown

The Apple Watch will abandon the digital thumbnail crown

Among the fundamental elements ofApple Watch there is no doubt the digital crown, which allows users to navigate the watchOS interface without having to continually tap the screen. Still, it would appear that the Cupertino company is working to replace it with optical sensors. Or so a patent leaked recently on the Net shows.

Apple Watch: The crown will be replaced by optical sensors

According to a reputable source, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office released a new patent this week showing how the Apple Watch’s digital crown will be replaced by optical sensors. More in detail, the patent is presented with the name “Watch with optical sensor for user input”. And it demonstrates how sensors are capable of detect user gestures and then turn them into system controls. If so, Apple could get rid of the digital crown, making the smartwatch more durable. And leaving room for new components such as the aforementioned sensors or even a larger battery.

Apple Watch optical sensors

“For example, the user can make movements and gestures near the input component, which it can detect and interpret to control an aspect of the clock. The movements and gestures provided by the user can be detected directly with the optical systems of the input component, in order to reduce the number of moving parts and use the space inside the clock more efficiently ”. Thus the patent summarizes any changes to the Apple Watch. And indeed, considering that the crown also includes an electrical heart sensor for ECG, the new optical sensors can be used to measure heart and respiratory rates, blood oxygenation, blood pressure and more.

In this regard, it is rumored that the Apple Watch 2022 will have new and interesting features designed for personal well-being. Including blood pressure monitoring. Now, it’s unlikely we’ll see optical sensors on Apple’s next smartwatch. Yet the patent is a strong signal of the company’s efforts.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.