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The best apps for Android Auto | September 2023

Let’s discover together, in this dedicated guide, a selection of the best apps for Android Auto currently available: how to best personalize your car, including weather, navigation and entertainment? We’ll tell you

Android Auto is a platform developed by Google that gives you the ability to connect and use your Android device in a much safer way while you’re behind the wheel. The goal is to offer an experience of safer driving, free of distractions and which allows all drivers to access the different functions of their smartphone via the car interface (if enabled, obviously). To use Android Auto you obviously need a compatible Android device with a USB cable or via Bluetooth connection, while the car must be equipped with an infotainment system compatible with Android Auto.

The best apps for Android Auto: from navigation to entertainment, through messaging and weather!

Among the main features of Android Auto we obviously find navigation, communication, the possibility of accessing your multimedia, the ability to use voice commands and, finally, the ability to also use compatible third-party applications. In this dedicated guide we want to see with you which are the essential ones and which you should always have at your fingertips in the car. In short: the best apps to install in Android Auto!

The best apps for Android Auto |  September 2023

Navigation | The best apps for Android Auto

The main app for road navigation is obviously Google Maps, a practically essential first party in your car. Maps offers real-time directions, traffic information (almost) always up to the second, itinerary suggestions also based on fuel consumption and much more. The app also allows you to locate car parks, petrol stations and restaurants, as well as being able to report active speed cameras in your vicinity. We repeat: essential!

Waze is a third-party navigation application that relies on sharing information between users. Through Wazemotorists can report road accidents, checkpoints or other similar information in real time. Particularly appreciated for its interactivity and its always on-the-go community, Waze is an excellent alternative if Google Maps doesn’t work (due to some type of strange update). Or if you simply want to try something else.

The best apps for Android Auto |  September 2023

Multimedia | The best apps for Android Auto

Spotify it is definitely the first choice for all those who want to listen to music and podcasts of various kinds. One of the most well-known and appreciated music streaming apps in the world that allows you to listen to playlists, albums and favorite songs while you’re travelling, as well as a long series of podcasts from the most diverse genres. Highly recommended, also because there is also a way to get it for free (and we’ll tell you here!).

If you are more interested in audiobooks you could try it Audible, which will keep you great company on long car journeys. Alternatively, there is also Podcast Addict, very suitable for all podcast enthusiasts. Finally, Google Play Music has long since been replaced by YouTube Musicwhich is therefore currently the first party multimedia app for Android Auto.

The best apps for Android Auto |  September 2023

Messaging | The best apps for Android Auto

Android Auto also allows you to respond, using voice commands, to messages that arrive while you are driving. The main app is, of course, in this case Whatsapp, the most popular messaging app that fully supports Android Auto both for voice messages and through the use of the aforementioned voice commands. Over two billion active users: it must mean something.

Android Auto also supports Telegram, the “Russian alternative to WhatsApp”, and which is also a widely used messaging app currently. The features are practically the same as WhatsApp so we won’t go into further detail.

The best apps for Android Auto |  September 2023

Weather | The best apps for Android Auto

To find out what the weather will be like during your journey, Android Auto offers drivers various weather apps that they can use. The main one that comes to mind is AccuWeatherquite appreciated by users and which allows you to know the current weather, forecast and other details such as pressure, visibility and humidity.

It also has the same features WeatherBugwhich also offers information on current traffic and air quality, as well as offering, in real time, further information on any extreme and dangerous weather phenomena.

The best apps for Android Auto |  September 2023

Have a good trip!

These were therefore, currently, the best apps that you can use in the car via Android Auto. However, we remind you that driving safety is the priority in any case and that even systems like this, which aim to reduce distraction behind the wheel, can cause inattention if used incorrectly. Continue to follow us here, on!