Let’s find out all the previews on the release of The Continental, the new unmissable spin-off series of the John Wick saga
A few days after the release of the fourth chapter of John Wick at the cinema, here are the first rumors about one new spin-off series set in times prior to the events shown in the blockbuster saga. The new production, entitled The Continental, is already making itself heard, so let’s find out all the news dedicated to its release.
Plot | The Continental: What we know about the release of the new John Wick spin-off
The first advances regarding the plot of this new series have been put into circulation. It in fact, it will be set in the 1970s, well before the events narrated by the parent films. The spin-off will shed light on all events that led to the birth of one of the key locations for the films: the hotel chain, home to the most dangerous professional assassins, which we have come to know. The main setting will be that of New York, home to the most important structure, led by the director Winston Scott and its concierge Charoninterpreted by Lance Reddickunfortunately recently passed away.
cast | The Continental: What we know about the release of the new John Wick spin-off
Own director Winston Scott and concierge Charon, will star in The Continental, clearly in a younger version. The episodes will focus on the life of the killers in the 70s, a period in which the organization was not yet born. It would seem that the protagonists already have their performers. For the role of young Winston Scott, thought was given to Colin Woodellwhile for that of Charon, the name of has already circulated Ayomide Adegun. Colin Woodell is known to the general public for playing Aiden in The Originals. Ayomide Adegun is instead famous for her role in The Hunger Games: The Ballad of the Nightingale and the Serpent.
Word to the creators | The Continental: What we know about the release of the new John Wick spin-off
Some of the manufacturers have already been asked to talk about this new project. The producer Erica Lee she dwelt on the desire to get back to work, to expand the story with new details and characters:
We talked to the showrunners and heard a lot of ideas. We had a lot of discussions about how to set up the timeline. We felt like doing a prequel, an alternate timeline would have given us a lot of flexibility to run a parallel story.
Keanu Reeves stars as ‘John Wick’ in JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 3 – PARABELLUM.
Lee then focused on how much it was wanted tell more about this criminal reality and why it was decided to continue with a TV series:
We’ve told so little about each character and the hotel, that I think people would be really excited to learn more and delve deeper into the history of The Continental. How is the staff? How do you enter the Continental? How are gold coins minted? With this timeline and this setup, we can dive deep into all of that and explore a lot of these things.
When it comes out?
The Continental series will probably consist of 3 episodes of 90 minutes. The episodes, which will not be characterized by any time jump, will allow you to expand the narrative universe even further and have an even more complete idea of what happened at the origin of everything. According to some rumors, the new series is expected to arrive in September 2023. Stay tuned with You know to stay up to date, on any other news about it and on everything related to the world of the iconic John Wick, to which Keanu Reeves lent his face.
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