Al via il countdown per il primo appuntamento 2022 con Virtual Arena thumbnail

The countdown for the first 2022 appointment with Virtual Arena has started

Virtual Arena is the format on the streaming platform Twitch organized by Italian ProGaming. Let’s find out all the details of the appointments together from 27 to 29 May 2022 to mark in the diary.

Virtual Arena kicks off

At the center of the days we find important themes such as inclusiveness, new technologies and environmental sustainability. The co-hosts of the event are Emanuele Gregori of Multiplayer, Luigi Ragoni of PGI, Ckibe and Nennella. Among the numerous panels and talks there will also be moments dedicated to games, quizzes and polls. Also present were the activities related to the E-Park planted by PGI project, the company’s green park created with the aim of rewarding the amount of CO2 emitted during the event.

Virtual Arena 1

Friday 27 May

Giorgio Vanni e Gianandrea Muià kick off the dances on Friday 27 May at 2.00 pm on the Virtual Arena Twitch channel. The panel in question is dedicated to the influence of music on storytelling and explores the importance of voice and sound within a video game.

On the same day, the relationship between technology and sustainability will be addressed together with Tempesta Production e Vicktor Laszlo. Marco Merrino instead he will deepen the themes of Hikkomori, the phenomenon of social isolation, and the role of videogames and more. And then again we will talk about 3D printing and sustainability with Kesten.

Finally, space also a Rocket League with tutorial challenges along with JustRyuk.

Saturday 28 May

Saturday 28 May kicks off with the talk dedicated to equality between men and women. The theme focuses on the dualism between male and female hero, the overturning of the concept of machismo, the fair sex and the role of Cosplay. Moments of in-depth analysis will then alternate with Francesco Fossetti e Cristina Campus, aka Krisftis on how much East and West influence each other in visual-narrative art. With FroZ3n e Kafkanya instead we will talk about the relationship with Nintendo: what does the big N represent for young people and for the new generations today?

Finally, Saturday will also be dedicated to the boys of Pokémon Millennium with a live link from Giocomix in Cagliari. And then again, for human interference with Chestnut e RickDuferyou will understand the reasons for the success of podcast as a new form of entertainment.

Sunday 29 May

Let’s now move on to Sunday 29 May with a question: How is the world of cinema moving regarding the issues of inclusion? He will think about trying to give an answer RobMcQuack with a moment of dedicated study. And then again, Nello Nigro e Giulia Costax they lead us to discover the revolutionary significance of new technologies in people’s lives.

Finally, last appointment also for Human Interference with Chestnut e Ava Hangar on inclusiveness and the power of masks. The final day will also see an important moment dedicated to Esport with Valuingwith challenges valid for the championship AgentsSeries.

While waiting to discover new information, stay tuned to the techprincess pages and tell us your opinion on our Facebook page.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.