Venduto all'asta il primo certificato digitale di un'opera fisica: è dell'artista Skygolpe thumbnail

The digital certificate of a work by Skygolpe was sold at auction

The first digital certificate of a physical work sold at auction: it is by the artist Skygolpe thumbnail

The digital certificate of Skygolpe’s PX4882E painting was sold at auction during the third edition ofChristie’s Trespassing online auction. This NFT certificate was sold for $ 69,300. Here are all the details on the transaction.

The digital certificate of the new Skygolpe painting sold at auction

It was the collector who bought the product 33nft, a true legend of the sector and owner of over 1000 rare NFTs, including several unique pieces by Italian artists. The collector who purchased the certificate of Skygolpe’s PX4882E painting will also receive the physical work which will be enriched by a chip NFC which allows the reading of information relating to the product and is linked to the NFT certificate purchased. Skygolpe is a landmark of the NFT landscape and his works have been exhibited in galleries, museums and digital events around the world.

Skygolpe PX4882E acrylic and print on canvas 100 x70cm 2022

The artist’s comment

Clouds he comments: “Today is a very important stage for my artistic journey focused on the union of the two worlds: physical and digital. This is the first sale to Christie’s of the certificate of authenticity in the form of an NFT, a physical painting PX4882E. The purchaser of the NFT certificate will also receive the actual physical painting as a result of its purchase. An innovative method in the world of art auctions that I believe can pave the way for a radical change in the mentality and behavior of future artists and collectors and which can be exported to many other sectors “.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.