Cominciano oggi gli Emoving Days 2023: ecco il programma completo thumbnail

The Emotioning Days 2023 begin today: here is the complete programme

Today, March 24, 2023, the Emoving Days 2023, which will continue until Sunday 26 March in the setting of the CityLife district of Milan. The event is now a point of reference for the electric and urban mobility sector, as it brings together both consumers and sector operators, from companies to associations.

It is no coincidence that the expo area is teeming with sector operators, with about 40 partners who will make scooters, eBikes, cargo bikes, motorcycles, scooters and microcars available to users.

The program of the 2023 Emotional Days

Among the events not to be missed, we point out the presentation of the new Lombardo Mugello, which will be unveiled on Saturday 25 March at 11:00. Following, at 12.00, in full Milanese tradition, there will be an Electric Aperitif in via Xenophon 9.

Sunday morning, at 11.00, the Brompton Ride: a tour of the most beautiful and fascinating districts of the Lombard capital on the saddle of the folding vehicles of the famous London brand.

Today however, at the exact moment we write to you, the day dedicated to B2B is taking place. The various operators in the sector are discussing a series of issues related to urban mobility, from sector policies to market analyses. Specifically, at 18:00, the companies will confront each other in a panel on the theme of visions, experiences and relevant case histories.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.