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The European Commission bans TikTok for employees

The European Commission he asked his employees to uninstall TikTok from corporate and personal devices they use for work. The decision follows the one made by American Congressof a similar nature, which casts doubt on the data collection by the Chinese social giant.

The European Commission bans TikTok for its employees

As reported by the Euractiv website, the email sent to employees talks about data protection and cybersecurity. “To protect the Commission’s data and increase its cyber security, the Commission’s Corporate Management Board has decided to suspend the TikTok application on company devices and personal devices subscribed to the Commission’s mobile telephone services”.

The Commission has asked to intervene by 15 March. Who does not delete the app in time, would see revoked access to Commission email and institutional Skype for Business accounts.

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Western governments have been monitoring TikTok for some time now, accused of collecting data on behalf of the Chinese authorities. While there are no formal charges, the US Congress had already asked employees to remove the app from their smartphones (and it seems to be discussing a total ban). Now it’s Europe’s turn too.

Although the app continues to grow on our continent, several chancelleries are analyzing the processing of data by the social network. In January, the CEO of TikTok Shou Zi Chew he had met with European officials to discuss this mistrust. However, at the time the Commissioner of Justice Didier Reynders he had said that “There are positive trends, but there is still room for improvement”, as reported by Repubblica.

The future of TikTok, despite its great public success, therefore remains uncertain due to political issues. We will keep you posted.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.