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The habits of Italians online: the time dedicated to gaming is growing

An ever-increasing portion of Italians are connecting to play. Here is an analysis of users’ online behavior, with a particular eye on the marketing side

While video and film streaming together with social media still reign supreme, with over 7 hours, the world of online gaming continues to gain ground and now settles above the 2 hour threshold. We are talking about the time spent online by Italians, divided between entertainment and free time but also between lessons, smart working, administrative services and more.

These are the data from the study conducted by NordVPN, which sees Italy in sixth place for average web usage behind Hong Kong, Brazil, Mexico, Korea and Taiwan. 61 hours a week on the internet, a period of time that is increasingly dedicated to gaming. Let’s try to understand users’ online behaviour, their identikit and above all the reasons that lead them to choose the web.

Motivations and behaviors of online players

Let’s start from the first big question: why do we play online? There are different answers to give: for convenience, for accessibility, for ease of use or to find a community, to connect with friends, to challenge people all over the world. A broader discussion is instead dedicated to online gambling, here the motivations still range from the classic desire to win to the desire to socialize, to the search for fun and new experiences. A trend that has also been intercepted and conveyed perfectly by marketing, which exploits a tool already active in other digital sectors: that of casino bonuses to be used online. Just as e-commerce platforms offer discounts or streaming platforms guarantee free weeks or months, web environments dedicated to public and legal gaming also guarantee free periods, without registrations or expenses, to test their products.

Who is the average player?

Other interesting information is that relating to the average profile of the online player. Useful, in this sense, is the recent report by Lottomatica and Censis which speaks of a transversal habit between social groups and geographical areas. The average players are mostly young and are more common in the south, where the percentages exceed 57%, and are mostly men. More than 1 in 2 Italians declared having played online at least once. Knowledge of the digital device is also fundamental: those under 35 who choose to play online are especially attracted by the new trend of professional gamers and influencers on social media who are pushing the sector forward. A highly technological and highly competitive sector. Enough to absorb every moment of our day.