La nuova frontiera del voto elettronico si chiama ELIGO NEXT thumbnail

The new frontier of electronic voting is called ELIGO NEXT

Arriva ELIGO NEXT, the new platform for electronic voting. Presented in Milan, it is a further step towards the so-called digital democracy in Italy.

ELIGO NEXT, the new step towards digital voting

Digital voting is an almost daily practice, used by hundreds of public and private bodies and others OUTPUT deserves credit for having been able to disseminate a tool that is slowly becoming essential.

In fact, ELIGO is a system that has two types of votes: theeVoting (electronic voting) e l’iVoting (internet online voting). The difference between the two is easy to tell: eVoting allows you to vote in attendance through the use of electronic deviceswhile iVoting allows you to vote remotely thanks to an internet connection.

Among the advantages we can mention:

  • the management of any online deliberative and elective assembly;
  • to make voting more inclusive thanks to the use of the internet, which allows anyone to be able to vote wherever they are;
  • the use of automatic ballots, thus minimizing human error;
  • transparency and governance;
  • sustainability thanks to the replacement of the paper form with the digital one.

Since 2005 ELIGO allows you to take advantage of the advantages of electronic voting by associating all these advantages and ELIGO NEXT is that extra step that was needed to be able to expand digital voting.

This new version was developed after more than a year of studies, research, interviews and planning, in order to better face the multiple challenges that online voting can entail.

“In recent years we have changed the way people are used to voting, contributing to the normalization of electronic and online voting” said the CEO Irene Pugliatti.

“We have created a secure solution that allows everyone to cast their vote, guaranteeing anonymity and respect for privacy. But in a period of rapid and radical change, we also wanted to make a well-established product evolve in its reference niche”.

Eligo Next Press Preview

Online voting in the near future

ELIGO NEXT will enter a market that is already in full transformation: it is estimated that by 2027 online voting will reach a value equal to 285 million euroswith Italy which will see a growth rate equal to the European average: 4,9%.

Hence the need for a system like that of ELIGO NEXT, capable of guaranteeing:

  • greater security and confidentiality of data, thanks to end-to-end encryption with 2048-bit asymmetric encryption. In addition, the system, when storing data and ballot papers, applies an additional level of AES 256 encryption. In this way, the data is extremely secure;
  • migliore user experience, obtained from a careful analysis of user needs and the changes that occurred during the pandemic. In this it was possible to invest in improving the usability of the platform, making it fluid, simple and immediate.

ELIGO NEXT will be officially launched starting February 9, at 12:00, during a presentation event on Zoom. To register you can click here.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.