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The NVIDIA RTX 4060 Ti review

NVIDIA has finally launched its brand new RTX 4060 Tia graphics card that belongs to the Serie 40 with architecture There’s Lovelace and which points to expand the offer of products regarding the gaming in 1080p.

This card was created, as the name suggests, to support the technology RTXi.e. the Ray Tracing. Doesn’t that sound new to you? It’s normal: actually, the American company launched Ray Tracing a few years ago and yes, it was a real one carried out in the videogame field since i reflexes not luci within the game scenarios they adapt according to the surfaces present, in dynamic way.

But how does it perform on the field? To find out, we put the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060Ti with 8GB of dedicated memory. We could define it as “middle daughter“, as I enter July versions will come RTX 4060 “smooth” and older sister, the RTX 4060 Ti and 16GB.

The new technologies introduced

NVIDIA introduced in the serie 40 of its graphics cards the ability to use the DLSS 3. This technology, the Deep Learning Super Samplingis able to process one image by one lower resolution compared to the one in use, etramite l’IAcan generate frames a higher resolution, limiting the overload of the card.
From the last ones Steam hardware surveysi.e. i hardware surveys of the using Steamit turns out that NVIDIA video cards from class 60 represent the 4/5 of the boards used. A number not recently for the green house.
As we have seen in the previous cards of the series RTX 4000NVIDIA has introduced, in addition to the Third generation DLSSeven the use of a increased level L2 cache. The increase of cache memory inside the card allows to obtain some significantly shorter response timesview the proximity of the data to the graphics processor.

Below cost Mediaworld, find out more!

The American multinational has carried out tests, on various titles, to highlight how much cache size affects performance. As we can see from the graph below, on the left side, the version with only 2MB Of cache (coloured in grey) represents the situation before the arrival of the increased memory; with the new one cache a 32MB (in green) one has a significant increase in performancegenerating a 50% improvement circa.
In the right part of the graph, we also see, as with the use of the new cache memoryyou bring great results both on pure performance of the card, both with the technologies of Ray Tracing e DLSS enabled.

Nvidia RTX 4060Ti the cache table review

The Nvidia RTX 4060Ti review: performance

The card is presented by the parent company as capable of handling the 1080p with ultra detail ad alto frame rate con Ray Tracing e DLSS active. NVIDIA in its presentation highlighted how the DLSS, if activatedlet’s get a noticeable performance boost.

GPU performance is usually measured in Tera-FLOPS, o TFLOPS; that is to say trillion operations per second using floating point numbers (with decimals). Attention, we have not made a mistake in writing; a trillion is 1000 billion.

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti it is based on the architecture There’s Lovelaceespecially on the chip AD106 equipped with 4352 CUDA Colorswhich they are able to deliver 22 Shader-TFLOPS Of rendering power; also mounts 136 Tensor Cores Of fourth generationcapable of 353 TFLOPS Of power used for AI rendering and for the DLSS. The latest additions to this tab are the new ones RT Cores Of third generationable to deliver 51 TFLOPS Of power, exploited in Ray Tracing. NVIDIA has planned a memory of 8GB of type GDDR6 and a cache of 32MB of type L2.

The table below highlights the specification differences compared to previous tabs: the RTX 3060Ti and the RTX 2060 Super. As we can notice the increase Of RT e Tensor Core and of the Shader represent theincrease from the overall power of the card.

Nvidia RTX 4060Ti review table specs

What NVIDIA RTX 4060Ti allows us to do

The board we had the pleasure of testing is the version Founders Edition Of NVIDIA, that mounts 8GB of video memory, which may seem few to users, but that’s enough for most of titles available at the moment. Also, as already mentioned, a version will come from 16GB which will have performance and consumption very similar to the version we tested. With this new model the manufacturer has succeeded in improve by a factor of 1.7 the performance compared to the previous version of the card 3060Ti and beyond the 2.6 Of compared to the RTX 2060 Super.

Our tests

Our tests are carried out on one intermediate range configurationto better adapt to the conditions of a average user and al card target. We detected how the card is optimized also to run on configurations non high-end and therefore able to cover a very large number of users.
Having said this, we can proceed to give the numbers, in the true sense of the word. From our tests in 1080p ad ULTRA we got:

Game fps
Cyberpunk 2077 90/100
Shadow of the Tomb Raider 120/140
Horizon Zero Dawn 90
Control 100/120
A Plague Tale: Requiem 85
Battlefield V 100
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt 60
Apex Legend 150
Death Stranding 110/120
Valuing 240

Screenshot Cyberpunk 2077Cyberpunk 2077

We recorded, as expected, a significant increase of the fps con the activation, where availableof the DLSS he was born in frame generator. These, in most titles; among which Cyberpunk 2077 e A Plague Tale: Requiemthey carry the double frame counter compared to the bare card. Nvidia’s new technology helps a lot in the fps gain while simultaneously lower consumption in terms of watte decreases game rendering latency.

Nvidia RTX 4060Ti review graphics performance cardsTests provided directly by Nvidia, based on 1080p

Temperatures and consumption

The temperatures, from our tests, they didn’t give any particular problemsindeed the card has always proven itself fresh and responsive.
As the maximum recorded temperature we have approx 60°C after a long time of stress. Usually, in game situationswe have very low temperatures, around 54°C.
The temperatures remain excellent thanks to its dissipation plantThat takes up most of the board. The now emblazoned design is in style blowerwhich allows an improved air passage with two fansone that pushes air directly onto the chip and one that sucks the air from the reed body.

Speaking of his consume of the card, these are really low, we are in the order of 160W Of TGP e in-game 140W average.

The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti review: final thoughts

We conclude this review by talking, first of all, about the positioning of NVIDIA RTX 4060 Ti in the market. This version arrives on the market at 449€ and it is particularly interesting: we did not find any particular defectsif not the lack of the door USB C in the I/O panel, or a second port HDMIprobably more useful than the 3 porte displayport and to sola HDMI that we have available. Perhaps a bit too much for the target audience of the card. We then expected that the memory were on board slightly fasterof type GDDR6Xas in the version 70, But this did not happen.

In conclusion we say that there was a leap in performancealbeit not as evident as in previous generations. All in all remains a great product for those who want to play in 1080p without too many compromises con alto frame rate.
RTX 4060 Ti is also very suitable for configurations not necessarily updated to 2023as long as from gaming. So worth it keep an eye on this product if you have that setup and prefer this to the 16GB versionwhich we believe has a slightly different target audiencein addition to a higher cost.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.