E-fuel e auto storiche: un matrimonio perfetto thumbnail

The perfect union between historic cars and e-fuel

Historic cars are safe with the e-fuel. This perfect marriage saves another slice of the automotive industry. Above all, collectors can sleep peacefully after the words of the president of International Federation of Classic Vehicles (Fiva). The French Historic Vehicles Association not only gives a nod to e-fluels. But it promotes change and how this impacts the environment.

Historic cars and fluel source Pixabay 2Historic cars and e-fuel, source Pixabay

E-fuel and historic cars, the words of Tiddo Bresters (Fiva)

In order to keep the historic cars on the road, in Europe. Fiva welcomes the commercialization of e-fluels. Fiva President, Tiddo Bresters points out: “Fiva has always been keen to do its part in tackling man-made climate changewherever possible, and the use of e-fuels is already being actively promoted in this year’s program of Fiva world events”.

So the countries Austria, United Kingdom, France, Germany and the Netherlands are experimenting with the effects of e-fluels on historic cars and demonstrating that they work well. All in all, a perfect wedding.

Indeed, Lars Genild, Vice President Fiva for Legislation, explains: “This EU decision to allow new vehicles with internal combustion engines to run on zero carbon emissions fuels”.

Genild continues: “It will also help us keep our motorsport heritage on the road, without having a negative impact on the carbon footprint. Meanwhile, the legislation will encourage e-fuel manufacturers to supply e-fuel on a larger scale, which should lead to better availability and hopefully lower prices. Here at Fiva we have worked hard on our sustainability strategy. We want to take responsibility for making our passion for preserving historic vehicles as environmentally friendly as possible. This news will help us achieve this goal.”

Historic cars and fluel source Pixabay 1Historic cars and e-fuel, source Pixabay

E-fluel and historic cars, the words of the Porsche vice president

Porsche is ready to bet on synthetics. She’s not alone, too Audi, McLaren, Aston Martin e Bosch. Companies that, while working in parallel on the development of electric vehicles, have not given up on the internal combustion engine.

In an interview given by the vice president of Porsche Motorsport e GT Cars, Frank Walliser, he declared the use of synthetic fuels, the so-called eFuel, will make thermal propulsion cars as clean as electric ones.

Walliser explains that Porsche is engaged in the development of synthetic fuels. A long test session will begin as early as next year. The idea is to develop a fuel that can be used in all current Porsche combustion engines without making any modifications.

According to Walliser le emissions of the e-fuels are significantly better than petroleum fuels. With fewer particulates and NOx, and an estimated 85% reduction in CO2, the performance of synthetic fuels is comparable, over the entire life cycle, to the emissions required to build and operate an electric car.

John Vassallo is a versatile writer who covers two fascinating realms: Automobiles and Electronics. With a deep knowledge and passion for both industries, John brings you the latest updates, trends, and insights in these dynamic fields. From the latest car models, automotive innovations, and advancements in electric and autonomous technologies, to cutting-edge electronics, gadgets, and emerging tech trends, John's articles provide comprehensive coverage to keep you informed.