L'app Sportclubby supporterà il Green Pass thumbnail

The Sportclubby app will support the Green Pass

The Sportclubby app will support the Green Pass thumbnail

The application Sportclubby, the most used in Italy to book fields and lessons in the gym, is preparing to support the Green Pass. In fact, starting from next 6 August, the app will allow sports centers to manage and filter reservations and entrances, in compliance with the regulations on the Green Pass. The service guaranteed by the app is already used by over 500 million Italians to play indoor sports who will now be able to access the facilities with greater ease.

Sportclubby enables Green Pass control for gyms

The Sportclubby app is also preparing to support the Green Pass. Starting with the next August 6in fact, the application, where required, will allow make reservations only for users who have a valid Green Pass. At the time of booking, the user must share information relating to the Green Pass through the QR Code. The app will carry out the checks by comparing the pass data with those of the user registered on Sportclubby. Note that it will also be possible to load the Green Pass in the app so that you always have it with you. Just enter the expiration date on the platform to make all subsequent bookings.

The comment of the app

Stefano de Amici, CPO and co-founder of Sportclubby, declares: “In the first 12 months of the health emergency alone, the clubs that managed their courses with our platform increased by 56%, with 6 million bookings in 2020 alone. of regulations, safety and much more, we want to allow people to play sport peacefully, without any barriers and without risks to health. Only in this way will the sector be able to avoid new closures “

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.