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The Telegram update brings reactions, spoilers and translations

The new update of Telegram is really substantial: the reactions to messages, the ability to hide spoiler, the translations messages. And much more. The messaging app prepares for the new year in style.

Telegram, the new update brings reactions, spoilers and translations

The news of this new update are many. In fact, Telegram closes the year by bringing the reactions in messages, which allow you to “share feelings and feedback – without sending any messages” as they explain in the blog.

When you like a message, just double tap to reply to the thumb up as a quick reaction. To send more, just tap once on Android and hold on iOS. You can change the default reaction in Chat Settings> Quick Reactions on Android, Sticker & Emoji> Quick Reaction on iOS.

telegram update reactions spoilers translations-min

If, on the other hand, you want to talk about Spider-Man or any other film / series without ruining it for those who haven’t seen it yet, here comes the Spoiler function. Just highlight the text you are writing: in the context menu that opens, you will find the word spoiler. This will make the text unreadable. If whoever answers you is not afraid of spoilers, that’s enough click on the message.

Telegram also introduces the translations within the app. You can do this automatically by going to Settings> Language. Here you can also exclude the languages ​​you are fluent in. This way you will have a translate button when you click on a message that you cannot read due to the language barrier.

Also comes the ability to create Themed QR Codes for any user with a public username. Just tap the QR icon next to the person’s username, then choose the colors and pattern.

Finally, they arrive new menus for the version macOS of Telegram and new ones emoji interactive. A substantial update, to close a year in which Telegram has reached the record of users and continues to grow. Also thanks to features like those announced today.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.