Il mondo della cybersecurity con Cyberterch Europe

The world of cybersecurity with Cyberterch Europe | Interview with Amir Rapaport, CEO of the company

A few days ago it ended in Rome Cybertech Europe 2022the fifth edition of the most important European event dedicated to cybersecurity sectororganized by Cybertech from Amir Rapaport in collaboration with Leonardo. After learning a few more details about the event in general, we had the opportunity to speak with Amir Rapaport, the CEO of Cybertech to discuss the current situation of the cybersecurity.

Cybertech Europe 2022: cybersecurity and the interview with Amir Rapaport

Cybertech 2022 tech princess

The most important European event and platform dedicated to Cybersecurity put on a show last week during his two days of stay in Rome. The fifth edition, which took place after two long years of pandemic, gave really important numbers. They attended the event thousands of visitors and more than 90 companies e start up from over 50 countries.

Here, in the heart of Cybertechthey had the opportunity to confront with the participants and with each other, to update themselves on current cybersecurity scenario and to reveal to users the safest way to protect yourself.

Over the past two years, our life has changed exponentially. The the way we work, we shop o we pay the bills. Suddenly it became everything online, more than we could ever imagine. Similarly, i cyberattacks have increased in a frightening way.

In fact, smartworking offers a fertile ground that allows cybercriminals to creep into the most remote corners of a company, tearing it from the inside. For this reason, the responsibilities of cybersecurity continue to increase and become more and more delicate; for this reason each of us must pay more attention to cybersecurityso that we can protect ourselves, our companies but also our families.

It is important to note that even cyber attacks on the Supply Chain, which have now become a important topic of discussion in cybersecurity, they have highlighted the need for new methods to protect the supply chain. In short, unwillingly or unwillingly, each of us must implement e improve their security measures because, unfortunately, cybercriminals can be found everywhere.

During the event, another important and safety-related element was discussed, namely in Ransomware. Globally, only in 2021, they were registered 623.3 million ransomware attacks. This means that a 105% year-over-year increase he was born in 232% dal 2019. The countries most affected were the United States and the United Kingdom, where growth was seen by respectively 98% he was born in 227%.

For all these reasons, and many others, the investments that states and companies must necessarily foresee are dedicated to measures to strengthen cyber defenses for the protection of the national digital ecosystem. Now more than ever we need to reconsider theuse of technologies and their securing according to protection schemes no longer anchored to simple antivirus.

The challenges of cybersecurity: let’s pass the word to Amir Rapaport

cybertech amir rapaport tech princessPhoto by Samantha Zucchi

The theme cyberattacchi and increase of cybercrime was the core of our interview with Amir Rapaport, the Founder and CEO of Cybertech. As we mentioned earlier, the pandemic and the use of smartworking have finally brought to general attention the real problem of cybersecurity. We then asked Rapaport if he thinks he is growing faster there at the moment dangers of cybercrime o la user awareness.

We admit, we expected a positive response. In our hearts we believed that user awareness was growing more than the dangers of cybercrime but, alas, It is not so.

Unfortunately cybercrime, which continues to increase more and more every single day. The problem is that in the current situation and historical period in which we find ourselves, cybercrime develops in such a way tremendously fast, so much that it is often complicated to keep up with it. Things that once took 15 or even 20 years to develop around the world now only take 5 months.

For this reason we must be careful every single minute, be aware of what is happening around us and inform us constantly. The slightest carelessness could cause a huge disaster to you or even your business, so it pains me to admit that cybercrime is on the rise e it is evolving at incredible rates.

Regarding this, we therefore asked ourselves what it was the biggest challenge that cybersecurity currently needs to overcome, particularly given what is happening between Ukraine and Russia.

I believe this is somehow connected to the pandemic, which has made everything much easier and faster. The trend was already visible before the pandemic but because of it we were forced to enter one new era of digital. In short, we work from home, we take care of our health online, we pay our bills with our mobile phone etc. I therefore believe that the biggest challenge is that of protect the cloud because most of our life is contained within it.

The cloud is like an ocean: vast, beautiful, full of secrets and unexpected. We can never know what awaits us around the corner. Many people they want to exploit it to hurt us, steal our money, steal our personal information and much more, which is why we have to protect it at all costs. We must therefore organize the cloud securely for users. It’s something all companies are working on so I think it’s our biggest challenge.

The metaphor of the ocean was particularly Interesting and allowed us to see the cloud differently. It is not just a fluffy cloud – as many might think – but a vast ocean which encloses i our secrets, secrets of billions of people.

The situation in Italy

We are Italians, little but sure. So, why not ask one of the most important exponents of cybertech what he thinks ofcurrent situation in Italy? We asked Rapaport if, according to him, our country shows margins of improvement from the point of view of IT security.

Traditionally Italy has always been a highly developed and industrialized country. It is therefore important to note that the “physical world” as well as industries are part of the new digital world, are somehow connected. If one company is attacked, the others will also suffer the same fate.

Italy is a very developed country also from a financial point of view and is one of the best countries in the world.

So, from what I know and what we can see today, here at Cybertech Europe, there is a lot collaboration between EU countries: this means that Italy is not alone and can count on the help of others. In general, and in particular in the cyber world, no country is ever alone. There are boundaries but it is as if, in reality, they do not exist.

Over time, Italy his position is improving e he is honing his skills from a cyber point of view. As we have already said, however, the danger of cybercrime continues to increase and what I believe is important is that all companies work together to end, or stop, this threat.

Cybertech 2022 and Amir Rapaport: let’s connect the world

Cybertech Europe 2022, the event dedicated to the cybersecurity sector in collaboration with Cybertech by Amir Rapaport and Leonardo, is surprising. It’s a fascinating and interesting realityable to connect the world. And this is precisely the purpose of Rapaport and his company.

Rapaport revealed to us that the main mission of Cybertech is that of connect different corners of the same community, therefore of the cybercommunity. According to him we all live in a world that changes every dayquickly, relentlessly, and it’s taking us into one new technological era which he himself defined romantic. We are no longer in the industrial age but in the digital one, characterized by data e connectivity.

This new and fascinating era offers more and more opportunities to the world and his citizens but also threats. For this reason the world needs to collaborate to make this new era safer for all; for this reason Cybertech was born.

Cybertech’s future goals? Well, dear readers, Amir Rapaport didn’t want to give too much away – well, everyone likes surprises, right? Before answering, Rapaport showed his gratitude for the incredible interest that the public showed in the first event after the pandemic. Cybertech Europe 2022 got gods truly amazing results and Amir Rapaport did not expect it in the least. This made the experience of him in our country even more more unique.

As for the future of Cybertech and what lies ahead, Rapaport said:

What you have seen these days with Cybertech Europe 2022 is nothing compared to what you will see in the future. This is just the beginning and we look forward to updating you in the future.

For more information about Cybertech, you can consult the official site.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.