L'iPhone 14 giallo si mostra nei primi video unboxing thumbnail

The yellow iPhone 14 is shown in the first unboxing videos

Apple has recently launched a special edition of its iPhone, iPhone 14 and 14 Plus in yellow. Distribution in stores is now imminent, but up Youtube An unboxing of the iPhone in its shiny new color has been released.

L’unboxing dell’iPhone 14 in giallo

Marques Brownleeweb producer and podcaster of Waveform: The MKBHD Podcasthas published the unboxing of the iPhone 14 in the yellow version on its official Youtube channel.

The video is very useful for understanding the intensity of the yellow colour, much lighter than the standard to which the multinational company had accustomed us.

In the video, Brownlee pairs the iPhone 14 with a yellow iPhone RX, a metrocard and a banana. It is clear how Apple has worked to create a different point of yellow than usual, with the profile that seems to tend towards a metallic gold.

Besides Marques Brownlee, also the Japanese channel Mac Otakara has published an unboxinig where it shows the reflections that the coloring takes on once hit by the Sun rays.

Unlike Brownlee’s unboxing, in Mac Otakara’s yellow, exposed directly to light, takes on a brighter color.

Apple has also already begun accepting pre-orders for the new yellow iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus in both the United States and more than 60 other countries and regions around the world.

Extending the yellow color to the Plus range could also be an excellent commercial move by the company to increase the number of sales of the non-Pro version of the iPhone. In fact, defying all odds, the range iPhone 14 Pro e Pro Max they are the ones that have sold the most since their launch, being preferred by users over the basic line.

The fact of focusing on a different yellow color than usual could be another winning move, making the yellow iPhone 14 more than a smartphone, but a iconic device with great styledestined to mark a new step.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.