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TikTok wants longer videos for ‘Creativity Program’

TikTok is testing a new way to pay creators on the platform: the “Creativity Program“, whose Beta begins in the US, France and Brazil – but TikTok asks longer videos. A new format that increasingly seems to find space on Chinese social media.

TikTok wants longer videos from its creators

The Creativity Program enters beta testing in the United States, France and Brazil. Strategic markets for social media, especially the USA where it is finding a lot of political opposition. For now, the new program is invite-only, but will expand to include all eligible users going forward.

To be eligible for the program, users must be over 18 years old and have high video views parameters. But also produce “original high quality videos that are longer than a minute”.

tiktok policy

While Tiktok is best known for its short videos, it has long signaled in multiple ways that longform content is becoming important. Especially the Dirette in streaming.

At this time, the company has not disclosed the size of the fund for creators. However, TikTok specifies that the money does not come from advertising and that will be calculated based on the “qualified” views, but that will vary based on the engagement of the video and the geographic region of the audience.

This announcement puts the issue of monetization back at the center, which is important for encouraging creatives to produce quality content. But it also underlines the attention towards longer contents, with above all live broadcasts at the centre. Thanks to new tools like i quizzes and the possibility of buying products live (live shopping), creators will be able to engage with audiences and earn.

Finally, this American launch testifies that, despite the adversity of US politics, TikTok still seems intent on establishing itself in the United States – making money for creators.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.