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Tim Cook: Apple sees potential in the Metaverse

Apple’s CEO Tim Cook confirmed during an investor meeting that the company look to the Metaverse with interest. Do you think there is potential in that virtual world and is “investing accordingly“. However, the executive did not want to expose himself on any upcoming hardware or software product, although there has been talk of an AR / VR headset from Apple for months.

Tim Cook says Apple sees ‘potential’ in the Metaverse

During the quarterly event to present Apple’s achievements and future plans to shareholders, Tim Cook received a few questions about AR / VR products and the Metaverse. A buzz word of the moment, on the lips of every Silicon Valley executive.

Cook responded by remaining somewhat vague. “We are a company in the innovation business,” he said, adding that “we have over 14 thousand augmented reality apps in the App Store “. However, he makes an admission by speaking of the Metaverse. Apple sees us “a lot of potential“In this market and is”investing accordingly“.

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The Metaverse for now, however, remains a fairly vague concept to be able to leave ample room for maneuver at Cook and ad Apple. Last year Meta changed its name and paid attention to this future project, trying to attract the spotlight on itself. But the concept could also lend itself well to the Apple world, too without the ambitions of a global platform per la VR in stile Ready Player One.

With an AR / VR headset on the way, an operating system to make it work, and already many developers partnering with Apple, the potential is evident. But Tim Cook’s confirmation signals to analysts and investors that Apple may soon present some news. The launch of the its AR / VR headset is scheduled for 2022, although some recent rumors suggest it may be late 2023.

The vague response from Tim Cook it does not bring certainty, but suggests that Apple does not want to lag behind in the metaverse field. Whether it becomes a reality or not, it’s worth a bet.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.