Tinder introduce la verifica dell'identità per gli utenti thumbnail

Tinder introduces identity verification for users

Tinder introduces identity verification for thumbnail users

Updates from the Tinder App, which recently announced plans to expand the identity verification, a feature currently only available in Japan. Apparently, this option could arrive on the application with a new update in the “next quarters”. Initially, the identity verification “will start as voluntary”, but will change over time. The company has already said it will consult with experts to determine “which documents are most appropriate in each country” and other useful details.

Tinder: App expands identity verification to all users

“We are aware that among the most precious things to make our members feel safe is to give them more confidence that the matches are authentic and to guarantee greater control over who they interact”. So he reports Rory Kozoll , Head of Service Safety. Precisely for this reason, the Tinder App is working very carefully on identity verification, a practice that can prove to be “complex and articulated”. Some users, in fact, “may have compelling reasons why they cannot or do not want to share their real-world identity with an online platform”. And for this very reason the company is trying to work on a system that is as fair as possible.

Of course, identity verification would be the last security update for the well-known Online Dating App, which has already added other features aimed at reassuring users about the identity of their matches. In this way, users with verified identity will be shown on the platform with a badge similar to that of Twitter. And that, along with what indicates that the user has undergone photo verification, should convince you that the account you are interacting with is real. And above all reliable. This will allow you to find your ideal partner in safe conditions. A detail that the Tinder App has proven to care a lot about.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.