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Tinder presents Music Mode, a new immersive experience

Lately Tinder he presented Music Mode, a new immersive experience which offers the opportunity to experience the dating application in an innovative and different way. Let’s find out the details together.

Music Mode arrives on Tinder

tinder year in swipe 2021

Explore, Tinder’s new interactive space, has already become the most popular place in the app. Soon it will be possible to share the vibes of your favorite songs with potential matches thanks to Music Mode, the new immersive experience available on Explore.

Thanks to an integration with Spotify, in Music Mode the tracks are played automatically that people have chosen in their profile to tell their best. Anyone who will link their account Spotify and will add a song to your Tinder profile, will be able to enter Music Mode.

This new feature is based on the natural link between music and relationships. Music Mode thus allows you to discover new people sharing your love for music.

Explore is the most great update of Tinder since the invention of the Swipe and introduces completely new and interactive ways of using the dating application. Similar to the decisions we make in real life, choosing whether to go to a bar or coffee shop, Explore offers members the option to view organized profiles per interest. It also offers them new ways to connect with a growing list of shared social experiences, such as Question & Answer, Vibes, Swipe Night and, from now, also Music Mode.

Kyle Miller, Tinder’s VP of Product Innovation, said:

Thanks to Music Mode, our members can find that feeling on Tinder when they are at a party and discover that there are people who love the same songs. It’s amazing how music creates an extra hook to get to know each other, elevating the whole Tinder experience. Songs are deeply personal, and Music Mode is a place to spark a new spark through music.

Music Mode will be made available at all Tinder members globally, in all markets where Spotify is available, in next weeks. For more information you can consult the official website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.