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Tinder reveals how young women experience their experience within the app

In celebration of Women’s Month, Tinder reveals how young women they live their experience within the app. As already highlighted by the annual Year in Swipe report, young daters are more ready than ever to get involved and start new acquaintances. But with new rules.

What are young women using Tinder looking for today?

Tinder members are looking for new experiences and connections that lead them to self-discovery. For this reason, Tinder continues to offer solutions and stimuli to get involved and try something new. For example, globally 56% of young people believe the expression “to hook up” has a different meaning from the past. Free from any negative meaning, today it simply becomes part of the dating experience, a way to experience ties without necessarily labeling yourself.

A recent search powered by Tinder has revealed that singles between 18 and 25 years old they are looking for situationship, friendships and relationships. 84% of people surveyed also said they feel optimistic when it comes to dating, showing that they are open to new possibilities. This is especially true for women, who within the app can show who they really are, choosing with whom to build sincere relationships and friendships.

Talk and listen they are the two pillars on which every relationship must be based. According to Tinder, in fact, 60% of Italian women admit in their bio that they are looking for a person to talk to, discuss and exchange opinions. All, however, without giving up moments of lightness. “Simpatica”, “ironic” and “kind” they are in fact among the most used words in bios. Not only. The ability not to take oneself too seriously and to face life with irony is also one of the most appreciated characteristics in a Match, followed by sympathy and the ability to communicate.

Il mutual respect it is another key element of any new knowledge. For women on Tinder, this means doing their part in eliminating bad behavior and habits like ghosting. But also take the initiative and make the first move by breaking the ice with a chat message. Or maybe a meme! From bios, in fact, memes appear to be in second place among the most widespread forms of “love language”.

What sparks young women on Tinder?

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However, they could be the ones to trigger the spark common tastes and hobbies. That’s why Tinder has launched several features like Vibes or Explore that invite us to connect with members who have similar interests to ours. For example, travel is the fifth most popular interest among young women on Tinder. Many of them admit that they are looking for someone to share real “adventures” with.

But it doesn’t end there: the Gen Z it’s a real mix of colors and ideas when it comes to leisure. The interests of young women on Tinder range from musica (which is confirmed once again in first place among the interests), to art and movies. Going to the cinema is one of the favorite activities for a first date, but even a simple coffee together can be a great way to get to know each other a little better without pretensions.

Tinder What Sofia Viscardi thinks

The word to Sofia Viscardi

We asked the writer and content creator Sofia Viscardi what did he think of the data that emerged: “The right questions are key, I know this well from my job, where often the correct answers depend on the questions we ask. So, I asked myself: why does it seem so difficult to tell others about yourself?” comments Sofia.

“According to the data, women on Tinder tend to use phrases like “nice” and “ironic” to describe themselves. These words seem to simplify the many facets that make up our personality. In reality, again according to the data, what women are really looking for in a relationship is empathy, the ability to listen, and intimacy: elements that require deep communication and that seem apparently at odds with female self-narration on Tinder”.

“An interesting reading key I obtained by noting the great diversity of interests that emerge from the descriptions of women on Tinder,” continues Sofia. “In fact, some women have shared their passion for art, literature, music, which could be the tools to give the right dignity to their inner wealth. Even sharing simple interests like board games can be a way to make meaningful connections with other people.”

And she concludes: “This led me to reflect on the fact that it would be necessary go beyond words that we use to describe ourselves. In particular, to want to suggest to women of don’t be afraid to tell yourself in their complexity”.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.