Toshiba Canvio Advance, il regalo perfetto per le mamme che non si fermano mai thumbnail

Toshiba Canvio Advance, the perfect gift for mothers who never stop

Toshiba Canvio Advance, the perfect gift for mothers who never stop thumbnail

On the occasion of the Mother’s Day, Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH offers a perfect gift, suitable for all mothers who they never stop: we are talking aboutexternal hard drive Change Advance. If you also have a mother like this and you still don’t know what to give her, the hard disk is the perfect solution to avoid being left empty-handed. Let’s find out all the details together.

Toshiba Canvio Advance, the hard disk for mothers who never stop

toshiba tech princess

hard disk tech princess

This storage solution, elegant e coloredoffers up to 4TB of space to saveand don’t risk losing, each precious moment. Thanks to its compact and ultra-light design – just under 200gr (4TB) – you can carry it with you at any time and anywhere you want.

You can always carry it in your bag to have everyone with you your most important files. I automatic backup software e you protection are the main features of Toshiba Canvio Advance, those that make it the perfect hard drive.

By setting your preferences with times e intervals defined, make the backup it will no longer be a waste of time; furthermore. to further protect your files, the Toshiba security software which allows you to encrypt the drive with a unique password. Backing up your family photos or important documents has never been easier and safer.

The Toshiba hard drive is available in versions from 1TB, 2TB e 4TB starting from: 60 € (1TB). For more information on all Toshiba products and also their prices, you can consult the official site.

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.