TSMC e Samsung potrebbero aumentare i prezzi dei chip fino al 20% thumbnail

TSMC and Samsung could raise chip prices by up to 20%

The TSMC e Samsung Foundry they are planning further increase in chip costs, according to a new report. If true, the decision would score another wave of price increases in a sector that is still suffering from the extreme scarcity of products caused by global economic disturbances induced by the pandemic.

Today’s news comes courtesy of Computerbase, which speculates that TSMC could raise prices up to8%. Samsung, on the other hand, could go further and apply an increase in the 20%.

Rising chip costs: Samsung and TSMC are thinking about it

tsmc 2 nm

I costs of materials are the basis of the alleged increase in chip prices on the part of TSMC and Samsung.

The whispers of a yet another increase in prices in the chip industry, in fact, they are nothing new. Many analysts began to fear them as soon as it started the Russian invasion of Ukraine earlier this year and, in particular, after severe penalties taxes on the country.

Several basic raw materials for the chip manufacturing process, such as gas neon and the palladiocome from both countries, with Ukraine in charge of the most of the neon industry’s needs.

With the end of the invasion in sight, the price increase appears to be unavoidable.

According to a report by Computerbaseis TSMC that Samsung are considering to raise their prices. While the former predicts an 8% increase, the latter could reach 20%. If these rumors materialize, these will be the last in a series of increases that chip makers have been implementing since last year.

Furthermore Computerbase also reports that the purchase price of the materials for chip production has increased to 30%. We don’t know how the two companies will actually act, so we can’t help but wait for further information. What will the future hold for us? We will find out in the coming months.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.