Tutela Digitale lancia Linkiller, l

Tutela Digitale unveils an app that eliminates reputationally damaging content

Digital Protection, a company active in the cyber reputation sector, has announced the launch of the application with proprietary technology Linkiller. It is an app capable of delete or de-index in a few steps most of the content deemed harmful and defamatory such as, for example, unauthorized photos and videos, dated news and fake pages and profiles on social networks. Let’s see the details:

Tutela Digitale launches Linkiller, the app for spotless digital identity

Linkiller is available on the main app stores. The application of Tutela Digitale require a quick registration as an initial step. The user can indicate the unwanted link and monitor its management on the web in real time. The app will evaluate the feasibility of the intervention, using theReputation Algorithm, and will notify the user with a notification regarding the completion of the removal and de-indexing process.

The entire procedure is constantly supervised by the company’s team of lawyers and reputational engineering experts. The image below shows us the interface of the app that allows you to monitor, in real time, the procedure for removing the reported links. For more details, please refer to official site of Tutela Digitale.

Linkiller3 576x1024

The company comment

Sveva Antonini co-founder and Head of Legal Department of Digital Protection, points out how Linkiller is born “with the specific aim of simplifying people’s lives because untrue contents, which do not reflect our real identity, can generate rapid negative impacts on which it is necessary to act promptly”.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.