Twitter rassicura gli inserzionisti pubblicitari dopo l'acquisizione di Musk thumbnail

Tweets can now be edited up to 5 times in 30 minutes

Tweets can now be edited up to 5 times in 30 minutes thumbnail

Last week the Twitter App released a long-awaited feature by users, the ability to modificare i tweet. The platform, therefore, said that once the feature is available, users will be able to edit their tweets within a maximum of 30 minutes from publication. But with a limit: it will be allowed to change the content only five times within this time period.

Twitter: App allows you to edit tweets up to 5 times

The limit of 5 changes allowed seems ideal for correcting typos, uploading media files, or adding some tags. But the company may have introduced it to prevent people from abusing the feature by modifying the content of the tweet on a whim. In any case, the platform told TechCrunch that it is currently observing user behavior, and that the number of changes available in the approved timeframe may change. As far as we know, the “edit tweet” function will initially be available to subscribing users Twitter Blueeven if it will not immediately affect all subscribers.

Twitter confirmed that subscribers based in the New Zeland they will get the function first. And that this will later be made available in Australia, Canada and the United States, once user management is clearer. After the company unveiled its plans for the edit button, experts believed the tool could be used to spread political disinformation or crypto scams. Assumptions that could only come true when a larger group of people start using the feature on a regular basis. Therefore, it is still too early to understand whether the option will actually be a useful tool or a possible danger.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.