Twitch: storie disponibili col nuovo aggiornamento

Twitch: stories available with the new update

Twitch announces the new stories section for streamers and users of the platform

The new section dedicated to stories it will work exactly like social networks. This feature will allow content creators to stay in touch with their communities even when they are not live. The new Twitch Stories section will appear at the top of the page follow. At the moment, creating stories will only be possible for streamers and affiliates who have done a live stream at least once in the last 30 days.

Twitch: what will be possible to do with stories

Twitch: stories available with the new update

They can be published in stories images, video clips cut from live feeds, stories with text, channel emojis and backgrounds. Once published, they will fade away afterwards 48 ore, with obviously a notification that will notify all the streamer’s followers that a new post has been published. Plus, streamers with at least 30 registered (including free subs), will be able to publish stories reserved only for channel subscribers, an extra incentive to convince users to sign up. Twitch has specified that Stories will have the same guidelines as other content on the platform to ensure safety. Stories that don’t meet the guidelines will be reported. Other features will also be added to the stories, such as the possibility of tag someone, take polls, upload videos and edit clips. The stories will be shown in the Discovery Feed section of the app, also announced at TwitchCon in Paris and includes clips from suggested streamers. With these innovations, Twitch is becoming more and more accessible on mobile devices, but it won’t be totally social. Il product manager Jeremy Forrester revealed:

We don’t want to compete with TikTok, we don’t want to make it a social network where you can scroll through your feed for an hour a day. We just want to give the opportunity to create content in shorts format, in order to help streamers grow their communities. For us, livestreaming will always be the beating heart of Twitch. Many streamers need to invite their followers to follow them on other platforms too in order to stay in touch, we will provide a more effective solution. But it’s not a way to compete with Instagram on stories or TikTok on shorts, we just want to help communities grow.

The platform in the 2023 vintage has encountered trust issues with streamers and users, which is why it has to work hard to regain it. Stay updated on on Twitch and other social networks.

With a deep understanding of the digital landscape and social media trends, Janice keeps readers informed about the latest developments, updates, and controversies in the world of web and social platforms.