Twitter ha una pagina Per Te (proprio come TikTok) thumbnail

Twitter has a For You page (just like TikTok)

Twitter changed the way users can switch between using content in chronological order or algorithm: with uno swipe, you can pass by Follow the page For You – which directly recalls the homonymous section of TikTok.

Twitter has a new For You page, like TikTok

The novelty comes first only for iOS users. In the iPhone version of Twitter you will no longer find the Star in the top right corner for switch between the history feed (showing the latest tweet of who you follow first) a the algorithmic one (showing suggested content). Instead, they’ll switch between sections with a swipe. The first one they will see, by default, is the algorithmic one.

Twitter Per Te directly recalls in its name the functionality of TikTok, which makes its most formidable weapon of its algorithmic content suggestion. But it displays content in a similar way as the did old “Home” option in Twitter: Content sorted by relevance instead of chronological of your followers, interspersed with suggested tweets based on your interests.

Algorithm first

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Switching from displaying For You content to the classic chronological order of Twitter’s beginnings is very simple. But the main difference is that, in the past, if users chose to view the “Most recent tweets”, upon reopening the app that’s what they would find.

Instead, every time you open the app in this new version find the For You content first. In the past, changes like this in favor of the algorithm have drawn the ire of users. Not only on Twitter: just a few months ago many users (including super-influencer Kim Kardashian) complained that Instagram “trying to be TikTok”.

The fact that there is a lot left simple to switch from one feed to another could appease spirits, also because the same Elon Musk has emphasized this aspect. Musk has also repeatedly stressed that this is just a “first part of a bigger one UI redesign“, with novelties such as the Bookmark button coming next week ei Long format tweets in February.

It remains to be seen how users will receive this news. Some seem to celebrate the new feature. But many are emphasizing the focus on the For You section, such as the social media industry analyst Matt Navarra that tweet: “Twitter is becoming the f***ing version of TikTok”.

What do you think of this change? Let us know in the comments.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.